
发布日期:2019-01-18      作者:      来源:





                                    谭秀华译  汤惠生校




西藏西部陶器制作工艺的观察和初步研究   …………姚军(40)

De-ga g.yu-tshal(榆林窟)之会盟寺的比定与图像


拉萨布达拉宫和大昭寺松赞干布塑像的再观察:几个历史和风格证据问题的探讨                    ……米歇埃尔·汉斯(75)

大唐王玄策天竺使出铭考                  ……佟柱臣(101)

西藏西部科加寺的门雕           ……赫尔默特·诺依曼(111)

11世纪卫藏波罗样式考述                  ……张亚莎(121)

早期西藏系统佛像上所反映的汉风痕迹         ……金申(134)

西藏西部石窟壁画中几种艺术风格的分析--兼论西藏西部石窟壁画艺术三个主要的发展阶段                   ……霍巍(143)


杭州飞来峰元代梵文石刻辩释                  ……廖旸(164)

杨琏真伽与元代飞来峰造像相关问题的探讨   ……赖天兵(185)



拉卜楞寺的印章考述                          ……丹曲(209)

故宫藏传金铜佛像题记及其分类             ……王家鹏(219)

清代西藏郡王颇罗鼐敬献给雍和宫的两尊佛像   ……马兰(239)

海棠山摩崖石刻中的关老爷像及其藏蒙文刻文 ……李勤璞(246)

藏传佛教持莲花观音像考                      ……李翎(262)

藏传佛教艺术中的唐卡修复初探             ……白云飞(282)

关于象雄研究的新动态                   ……饭田泰也(288)

西藏考古与艺术国际学术讨论会述评         ……张长虹(291)

内容提要                                      ……(298)



Bringing to Light the Forgotten:A Report on the Major Findings of a Comprehensive Inventory of Pre-Buddhist Sites in Upper Tibet Conducted between 1992-2002/1

Jhon Vincent Bellezza Translated by Tan Xiuhua  Revised by Tang Huisheng

The Discoveries of Rock Painting in Zhada Basin and Some Ideas on Tibetan Rock Painting

Li Yongxian/17

Excavations at Dindun, a Pre-Buddhist Village Site in Far Western Tibet/27

Mark Aldender fer &Holley Moyes

An Observance and a Preliminary Research on the Pottery Craft of Western Tibet/40

Yao Jun

The Treaty Temple of De-ga g.yu-tshal: Identification and Iconography/57

Matthew T.Kapstein

King Srong btsan sGam po Revisited: The royal statues in the Potala Palace and in the Jokhang at Lhasa. Problems of historical and stylistic evidence/75

Michael Henss

A Study of “Da Tang Tian Zhu Shi Chu Ming”(Inscription about the Great Tang Envoys to Hindu)/101

Tong Zhuchen

The Reliefs of the Portal of the Temple of Kojar in Western Tibet/111

Helmut F.Neumann

On the Artistic Style of Pala in Central Tibet in the 11th Century/121

Zhang Yasha

Chinese Traces Reflected on Early Tibetan Statues/134

Jin Shen

Analyses on Artistic Styles of Cave Paintings of Western Tibet: The Three Principal Stages of Murals in Western Tibet/143

Huo Wei

A Preliminary Study on three Wooden Sculptures Unearthed in Piyang-Dongkar Site, mNga’ris, Tibet/159

Zhang Changhong

Transliteration and Identification of The Sanskrit Inscriptions at Feilaifeng(飞来峰)/164

Liao Yang

A Study on relevant questions about Yang Lian Zhen Jia(杨琏真伽)and Feilaifeng(飞来峰)statues/185

Lai Tianbing

An Element of Sino-Tibetan Paintings in the 14th -15th Century:On the Basis of Two Buddist Manuscripts from Ming Court/193

Luo Wenhua

A Study on Seals Collected in Bla-brang Monastery/209

Dan Qu

On Inscriptions and Types of Tibetan Gilt-copper Statues of Buddha Collected in the Palace Museum/219

Wang Jiapeng

On The Two Buddhist Statues of Tibet’s Tribute Collected in the Yonghe Palace/239

Ma Lan

Murals of Looye Burqan Carved in the Cliffs of Haitang Mount and it’s Tibetan & Mongolian Inscriptions/246

Li Qinpu

An Analysis of Padmapani Images of Tibetan Buddhism/262

Li Ling

A Preliminary Study on the Restoration of Thangka/282

Bai Yunfei

Some New Information on ZhangZhung Studies/288

Iida hiroya

A Report on the International Conference on Tibetan Archaeology and Art/291

Zhang Changhong






“藏彝走廊”研究与民族走廊学说            ……李绍明(2)

“藏彝走廊”:一个独具价值的民族区域----谈费孝通先生提出的“藏彝走廊”概念与区域                    ……石硕(8)

论“藏彝走廊”                            ……李星星(18)

略论“汉藏民族走廊”之民族历史文化特点    ……任新建(39)

“族群地理”与“生态史学”----由“藏彝走廊”引出的综述和评说                                      ……任新建(46)

“藏彝走廊”自然环境与社会经济简论        ……冉光荣(63)



从地理学谈“藏彝走廊”                   ……艾南山(77)

从纳西族先民的迁徙路线看“藏彝走廊”古代通道的几个基本特点                                       ……赵心愚(81)

东巴教与本教之初步比较研究               ……杨福泉(87)

“扎巴”族源初探                         ……林俊华(100)

近代天主教在康区传播探析                   ……徐君(106)

白马藏族及其研究综述                     ……曾维益(118)



从“河图、洛书”、“阴阳五行”、“八卦”在西藏看古代哲学思想交流                                      ……王尧(145)



营盘山遗址再现“藏彝走廊”5000年前的区域中心---岷江上游史前考古的新进展                           ……陈剑(170)

“藏彝走廊”的民族语言                   ……刘辉强(179)

藏语声调形成的过程与社会历史系统状态       ……江荻(185)

聚落生态系统变迁对民族文化的影响---对沪沽湖周边聚落的研究                                        ……李锦(191)

李绍明先生在会议闭幕式上的总结发言            ……(199)

1949年以前“藏彝走廊”研究论文索引            ……(202)

补记                                          ……(255)




……刘学堂 李文瑛(1)

藏彝走廊地区石棺葬文化及其与甘青地区的联系 ……石硕(64)

吐蕃“钵阐布”考论                         ……王尧(76)

试解列山古墓葬群历史之谜                ……巴桑旺堆(81)

吐蕃墓出土蜀锦与青海丝绸之路              ……许新国(93)

唐代中西交通吐蕃-勃律道考                  ……杨铭(117)

试论唐蕃古道                             ……林梅村(127)



略论吐蕃的“赭面”习俗                   ……李永宪(157)



入华粟特人商业活动的特点浅析             ……李瑞哲(171)





拉萨大昭寺藏银瓶--吐蕃帝国(7世纪至9世纪)银器及服饰考察                        ……阿米·海勒著,杨清凡译(194)



英文提要                                      ……(230)


A New Study on the Origin of Early Chinese Bronze Culture and Relevant Issue/1

LIU Xuetang LI Wenying

The Culture of Sarcophagus Tombs in Tibet ---Yi Corridor Area and its Relations with Gansu---Qinghai Area/64

SHI Shuo

Studies on the dPal Chen Po in Tubo Dynasty/76


The sleb---ri Tombs and the mChims Clan/81

Pa Sangs dBang vDus

“Tibet --Bolor Path” In China-- West Traffic in The Tang Dynasty/117                          YANG Ming

A Preliminary Survey on the Sino-- Tibetan Roads during Tang Dynasty/127                         LIN Meicun

Khotan and Western Tibet: Ancient Cultural Exchange found in the New Archaeological Discoveries/146


A Preliminary Analysis on the Custom of “Painting red spots on the faces” in Tubo Dynasty/157          

LI Yongxian

The Tradition of the Wooden Coffin Painting ----An Element of the Xianbei Culture in the Early Middle Age/165


A Primary Analyse on the Tradition Activities of the Sogdian In China/171                               LI Ruizhe

Climbing into the Past ---First Himalayan Mummies Discovered in Napal/181

Kurt W.Alt,Joachim Burger/Angela Simons,Werner Scho n/Gisela Grup Translated by LV Hongliang

Tokches,Images of Change in Early Buddhist Tibet/189

Tony Anninos Translated by ZHANG Changhong

The Sliver Jug of the Lhasa Jokhang:Some Observations on silver objects and costumes from the Tibetan Empire(7th-9th century)/194

Amy Heller Translated by YANG Qingfan

Report on the Conference on Chinese Frontier Archaeology/224                    




从横断山谈藏彝走廊                       ……艾南山(1)

地方性知识与藏区和谐社会的构建----以民间或非政府组织为视角                       ……宗喀·漾正岗布 何乃柱(6)

西藏大骨节病搬迁项目实施调研---以曲水县达嘎乡其奴村九组为例                     ……冉光荣 徐君 徐刚强 尹婷(13)


……甘露 卢天玲 吕青川 匡翼云(24)


……王川 刘波(33)



甘孜瓦秀色达游牧部落的宗教信仰论述  ……嘎·达哇才仁(50)

川滇毗邻藏区研究的典型个案---木里散论     ……冉光荣(60)

梦想与出路:藏东生态旅游可持续发展分析---以一个木里藏族村落为例                                 ……蒋庆华(68)

困境与超越:木栗学校教育发展困境研究     ……张永国(78)

医疗的现代性:藏族择医之嬗变---以木里藏族自治县桃巴乡为例                                       ……李沛容(89)

青藏铁路与西藏农牧民的增收             ……罗绒战堆(101)

西藏农牧民安居工程建设研究---基于社会主义新农村建设视角的分析                              ……郑洲 张泽梅(108)


……徐刚强 徐君 尹婷(119)


……绽小林 陶秉元(132)

三江源生态补偿机制研究    ……穆赤·云登嘉措 苏海红(143)

四川藏区生态移民安置模式                  ……李锦(156)

三江源生态移民研究回顾与展望               ……徐君(164)

论西藏近代开关通商对汉藏关系的影响     ……美郎宗贞(175)

四川藏区艾滋病防治对策研究               ……尚云川(183)

多元视角下的藏区社会---“西藏及其他藏区社会变迁及经济发展”学术研讨会综述                     ……扎西拉姆(188)

后记                                          ……(204)



A Study on Zang-Yi Corridor from Heng-duan Mountains/1

Nanshan Ai

The Local Knowledge and the Harmonious Society : The Non-government Organnizations in Tibet in Perspective/6

Yondrol K. Tsongkha,Naizhu He

Research on Move of Big Condyle Disease Project in Tibet --A Study in Ninth Group of Qinu Village ,Daga,Qushui County/13

Guangrong Ran ,Jun Xu,Gangqiang Xu,Ting Yin

Perception of Community on Authenticity of Ethical Singing and Dancing Performance in Jiuzhaigou Tourism Destination/24

Lu Gan,Tianling Lu,Qingchuan Lv,Yiyun Kuang

The Guangong-adoration in China’s Tibet Area in Modern China : A Typical Case of Culture Blending with Tibetan and Han Nationality/33

Chuan Wang,Bo Liu

Further Study on Cultural Connotation of the Tibetan Celestial Burial’s Origin,Ritual Process and Taboo System/41

Xinba Dawa Zhaxi

A Review on the Religion of Waxiu-Seda Horde in Ganzi/50

Ga Dawa Cairen

A Typical Case Study of Sichuan-Yunnan Tibetan Areas-Muli/60                   Guangrong Ran

Dream and Outlet :Sustainable Development Analysis of Eco-tourism in East Tibet---A Study on a Tibetan Village in Muli/68                         Qinghua Jiang

Puzzledom and Exceed : Research on Puzzledom of School Education Development in Muli/78

Yongguo Zhang

Medical Modernity : The Change of Medical Concept of Tibetan:A Case Study on Taoba of Muli County /89

Li Peirong

Research on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway and Increasing Income of Tibetan Farmers and Nomeds/101

Luorong Zhandui

Research on An-Ju Project Construction of Tibetan Farmers and Herdsman--Based on the Perspective of Construction Socialism New Countryside/108

Zhou Zhen,Zemei Zhang

Relocation and Reconstruction of Society:A Case Study of A Tibetan Village/119   Gangqiang Xu,Jun Xu,Ting Yin

Qinghai-Tibet Plain Three Rivers Source Areas Ecological Environment and Ecology Immigration and Social Development Difficult Position Question Research--Immigrates the Community Rake Qinghai Tibet Area Tibetan National Minority as the Main Real Diagnosis Research/132

Xiaolin Zhan,Bingyuan Tao

A Study on the Ecology Compensation Mechanism of Three Rivers’s Headstream

Muchi Yundeng Jiacuo,Haihong Su/143

Mode of the Ecological Immigrant’s Resettlement in Tibetan Area of Sichuan Province/156                 

Jin Li

Research Review of Eco-migration in Sanjiangyuan Area/164

Jun Xu

A Study on the Influence of the Latter-day Openning-up in Tibet on the Relationship between Han and Zang/175

Meilang Zongzhen

A Disquisition of Aids Prevention in Tibetan Area of Sichuan Province/183                       Yunchuan Shang

Tibetan Society under Multi Perspective---Review of the Social Change and Economic Development of Tibetan Area Seminar                         

Zhaxi Lamu/188





藏彝走廊地区的石棺葬及相关人群系统研究       ……石硕(1)

西藏带柄铜镜补论                          ……吕红亮(33)

西藏列山墓地相关问题的再探讨                ……霍巍(46)

有关藏文史料nam“难磨”的记载补正          ……杨铭(61)

再论吐蕃制度与突厥的关系             ……陆离 陆庆夫(69)

关于榆林窟第25窟营建时代的几个问题       ……沙武田(79)

“䩞鞢带”综论                              ……马冬(105)

Some Remarks on the Meeting and Use of the Tibetan Word bam po                        ……Leonard W.J.van der Kuijp(114)

小议藏文中bam po一词的意义和用法

   ……范康德著 刘翠兰译(133)

《律经》的结构                            ……罗鸿(150)

清代以前西藏司法特征略论                   ……袁剑(174)

汉代至民国藏彝走廊地区人群类别称谓及其嬗变---以汉文史籍的记载为中心                               ……陈东(183)

清代至民国时期康区的汉藏通婚研究         ……邹立波(198)

民国时期汉藏佛教文化交流及其意义         ……周伟洲(208)


西藏与中亚及新疆历史关系分析        ……冉光荣 徐君(229)



阿坝州藏羌文化生态保护利用的价值及对策  ……庄春辉(248)


十忿怒尊图像考察              ……森雅秀著 张雅静译(258)


……德波拉·金伯格-萨特著 贾玉平译(275)


……今枝由郎著 张长虹译(286)

英文摘要                                     ……(291)




A Systematic Study of the Sarcophagus Tombs in Tibetan--Yi Corridor Areas and Its Related Clans/1

SHI Shuo

A Research Note of the Bronze Handle-mirror of Tibet/33

LV Hongliang

A Rediscussion of Some Issues Related to the Sleb ri Tombs in Tibet/46                             HUO Wei

Commentaries on the Records of nam in the Related Tibetan Historical Materials/61                 YANG Ming

A Second Study on the Relation between Tubo Institution and Turkic State/69                 LU LI&LU Qingfu

Some Issues on the Date of the Construction of Yulin Cave25/79                           SHA Wutin

A Comprehensive Study of the Diexie Belt/105

MA Dong

Some Remarks on the Meaning and Use of the Tibetan Word bam po/114             Leonard W.J.van der Kuijp

Some Remarks on the Meaning and Use of the Tibetan Word bam po/133

Leonard W.J.van der Kuijp,translated by LIU CuilanThe Structure of the Vinayasutra    

LUO Hong/150

A Brief Discussion of Tibet’s Judicature before the Qing Dynasty/174                         YUAN Jian

On the Classification Titles,Evolution of the People Group in the Area of the Tibetan--Yi Corridor from the Han Dynasty to the Republic of China---A Focus on the Records of Chinese Historical Literature/183


A Study of Sino--Tibetan Intermarriage in Kahams from the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China/198

ZOU Libo

Buddhist Cultural Communication between Han and Tibetan during the Republic of China and Its Significance/208

ZHOU Weizhou

The “Autonomy” of Outer Mongolia and Tibet during the Early Years of the Republic of China: “Autonomous Region” or “Autonomous State”/221          

FENG Jianyong

An Analysis of the Historical Relation between Tibet,Central Asia,and Xinjiang/229             

RAN Guang &Xu Jun

Diffuse Boundary: Ethnography on a Tibet Buddhist Temple/235                             SHI Tian

The Values and Measures to Protect and Utilize the Tibetan--Qing Cultural Ecology in the A Ba Regio/248

ZHUANG Chunhui

Translated Essays

An Examination of the Images of the ten Fierce Deities/258

MORI Masahide,translated by ZHANG Yajing

The Gilgit Manuscript Covers and the “Cult of the Book”/275

Deborah E.Klimburg--Salter,translated by JIA Yuping

T-shaped Inscription Frames in Magao(Dumhuang) and Yulin Caves/286

Yoshiro IMAEDA,translated by ZHANG Changhong




“萨霍尔”及其对西藏医学的贡献(第一部分):一些人名、地名和文献                        ……范康成著 张长虹译(1)

Za hor its Contribution to Tibetan Medicine,Part One:Some Names,Places,and Texts     

……Leonard W.J van der Kuijp(21)

《甘珠尔》中保存的于阗僧人失罗达摩译经    ……萨尔吉(51)

《律经》的文体                             ……罗鸿(107)

汉文历史地理史料中的藏文“都”(mdo)--几处羌、藏语古地名的释名                                   ……刘铁程(116)


……吕红亮 李永宪 陈学志 范永刚 杨青霞 王燕(125)

三枚藏式带柄铜镜的装饰风格来源问题        ……仝涛(137)

青藏高原碉楼分布所对应的若干因素探讨      ……石硕(149)





民国学者对藏彝走廊地区的民族分类研究    ……陈东(178)



藏族服饰文化渊源探析                   ……李玉琴(199)

果洛人的来源及其宗教                     ……多杰(206)

西藏社会稳定研究中的几个问题             ……孙勇(214)

亚卡丁经验                               ……陈波(223)

工业化与藏族传统文化变迁……以甘南藏族自治州夏河安多投资有限公司为例                         ……王丽娟(239)


……庄春辉 李瑞琼(246)


拉达克政权的衰落            ……伯戴克著 杨铭 方琳译(254)

两件西藏早期脉轮冥想仪式示意图……艾米·海勒著 廖旸译(270)


……田中公明诸 张雅静译(279)

英文摘要                                      ……(287)




Za hor and Its Contribution to Tibetan Medicine,Part One: Some Names,Places,and Texts/1

Leonard W.J.van der Kuijp  Chinese translated by ZHANG Changhong

Za hor and Its Contribution to Tibetan Medicine,Part One: Some Names,Places,and Texts/21

Leonard W.J.van der Kuijp

The Khotanese Monk ’silaharma’s Translation as Preserved in the Tibetan Bka’’gyur/51


The Explanatory Devices of the Vinayasutra/107

LUO Hong

Tibetan mdo in Chinese Texts on Historical Geography:An Etymological Study of Some Ancient Place Names/116

LIU Tiecheng(Shes rab)

The Di Settlement of the Northwestern Sichuan Highlands in the Han Dynasty:A Preliminary Report and Study Ashaonao Site,Jiuzhaigou,National Park/125

Lu Hongliang,LI Yongxian,CHEN Xuezhi,FAN Yonggang,YANG Qingxia,WANG Yan

A Discussion of the Artistic Origins of the Three Tibetan Style Broze-Handle Mirrors/137

 TONG TaoA Discussion of Some Factors Relevant to the Distribution of Towers in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau/149

SHI Shuo

A Study of Tibetan Secondary Burials--A Case Study Based on Field Work in Sanyuan,Gongjue County,Tibet/162

YUE Xiaoguo

On the Relations between Labrang Lamasery and Its Community as Reflected in Its Public Buddhist Ceremonies During Republican China/170                          ZHAO Aidong

A Study of the Classification of Nationalities in the Area of the Zang-Yi Corridor by Scholars of Republic of China/178


A Preliminary Research of the Way in Which Tibetan Houses Are Named in Gyarong -- A Case Study of the Houses in Gari Village,Qiaoqi,Ya’an City/191

ZOU Libo

The Analysis of the Cultural Origins of Tibetan Costumes/199

LI Yuqin

The Origin and Religion of the Golog People/206

Duo Jie

A Few Issues on the Study of the Stability of Tibetan Society/214

SUN Yong

Yar-kha-steng of Tibet:Stories of Hierarchy and Egalitarianism/223


The Process of Industrialization and the Changes of Ethnic Traditional Culture/239               WANG Lijuan

The Characteristics of the Transmission of “Ancient Music with Sanskrit Sound” and the Way to Protect and Use It/246

ZHUANG Chunhui,LI Ruiqiong

Translated Essays

The Collapse of Ladakh Power/254

Luciano Petech,Translated by YANG Ming&FANG Lin

Two Early Tibetan Ritual Diagrams for Cakra Meditations/270

Amy Heller,Translated by LIAO Yang

A Study on the Murals of Deities Belong to the Vajradhatu Iding Monastery and Rtsa Brang Site/279

Tanaka Kimiaki,Translated by ZHANG Yajing

English Abstract/287



考古学的阐释路径与高原史的重建              ……霍 巍(1)

西藏新石器时代人群面貌及其与周边文化的联系…… 石 硕(10)


…… 沙武田 赵 蓉(26)

吐蕃长度单位“箭”考                      ……王惠民(49)

藏族苯教印章探析                          ……邹西成(55)

A Hitherto Unknown Tibetan Religious Chronicle:From Probably the Early Fourteenth Century  ……Leonard W.J.van der kuijp (69)

Tibetan Narratives of the Buddha’s Acts at Vajrāsana

 ……Kurtis R.Schaeffer(92)

Building up the Gge lugs pa Base in A mdo:The Roles of Lhasa,Beijing and

Local Agency                            ……Gray Tuttle(126)


……杨 曦 巴桑潘多 达 娃(141)

五世达赖喇嘛时期的西藏宗教状态         ……黄全毅(162)

1908-1922年美国侍教士史德文在巴塘的医疗活动及康藏社会的互动                              ……赵艾东 洪泉湖(175)


…… 徐 君(185)

论藏族农民工流动与传统宗教信仰变迁----来自白龙江流域一个藏族聚居社区的田野调查          …… 梁 艳 陈思涵(200)

关于“一妻多夫制”研究的中国和南亚传统  ……陈  波(209)


……〔日〕岩尾一史 著 杨铭 武丹 译(217)


……阿米·海勒著 杨清凡译(228)

《高地宗教》评述                          ……周 娓(252)

摘要                                          ……(256)



The Method of Archaeological Interpretation and the Reconstruction of the History of Prehistoric Tibetan Plateau/1                        

 Huo Wei

The Outlook of the Three Groups of People in Neolithic Tibet and Their Connections with Surrounding Areas/10

 Shi Shuo

Tubo People and the Construction of Dunhuang Caves/26

Sha Wutian  Zhao Rong

On the Unit of Tubo Scale “Arrow”/49

Wang Huimin

Explorations of Old Bonpo Seals/55     

Zou Xicheng

A Hitherto Unknown Tibetan Religious Chronicle: From Probably the Early Fourteenth Century/69            

Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp 

Tibetan Narratives of the Buddha’s Acts at Vajrāsana/92

Kurtis R. Schaeffer

Building up the Dge lugs pa Base in A mdo:the Roles of Lhasa, Beijing and Local Agency/126           

Gray Tuttle

An Analysis of the Lay Official Clothes in the Kasha Government During the Qing Dynasty/141

Yang Xi, Pasang Phendo, and Dawa

The Religious Conditions during the Period of the 5th Dalai Lama/162                      

Huang Quanyi

On the Medical Activities of American Missionary Shelton and His Interaction with Eastern Tibet/175

Zhao Aidong, Hong Quanhu

Privatization and Outward Inclination:a Study on the Changes of Beliefs in the Tibentan Areas of Western Sichuan/185

Xu Jun

On the Relation between the Immigration of Tibetan Peasant Workers and Traditional Religious Beliefs/200

Liang Yan

Polyandry Studies in South Asia/209       

Chen Bo

On the Ancient Tibetan khri-sde/217  

Kazushi Iwao; translated by Yang Ming and Wu Dan

The Donor Inscriptions and Iconography of two Mchodrten at Tholing/228

Amy Heller, translated by Yang Qingfan

Review of High Religion             

Zhou Wei/252




跨界对话:青藏高原史前研究新进展            ……杨锋(1)

兴佛改制:益西沃时代古格王国政教合一制析论 ……黄博 (9)

Inherited opponents and new opponents: A look at informal argumentation in the Tshad ma rigs gter    ……Pascale Hugon (26)

A Note on the Relationship between the Bka' gdams pa School and Mi nyag/Xixia                               ……Maho (58)

A 15th century Thangka of Bhaiṣajyaguru : reflections on the historical significance of the Medicine Buddha cycles in murals paintings of Western Tibet                ……Amy Heller (63)

浅析四川博物院藏格萨尔唐卡的排序和结构——以《格萨尔唐卡研究》为中心                  ……华青道尔杰(张延清)(74)

曼荼罗构造的形成与图像解析                ……张雅静(84)

民国时期汉地旅行者眼中的拉卜楞藏族妇女——基于旅行书写作品的研究                               ……何乃柱 (96)





西部西藏的历史                ……伯戴克著,张长虹译(135)


……(奥) 德波拉·金伯格—萨特著,秦臻译 张长虹校(178)

摘要                                             ……(195)


Cross-bordor Dialogue:New Progress in Prehistoric Research of the Tibetan Plateau              Yang Feng/1

Reviving and Reforming: The Construction of the Tibetan Gu-ge Kingdom in Ye shes’ od’s Period

Huang Bo/9

Inherited Opponents and New Opponents :A Look at Informal Argument in the Tshad ma rigs gter/26

Pascale Hugon

A Note on the Relationship between the Bka’gdams pa School and Minyag/Xixia/58                 Mahao Iuchi

A 15th Century Thangka of Bhaisajyaguru:Reflections on the Historical Significance of the Medicine Buddha Cycles in Murals Painting of Western Tibet/63      

Amy Heller

Analysis on the Order and Composition of the Gesar Thangka Collected in Sichuan Museum:Based on the Protected Gesar Thangka Research/74

Dpalchen Rdorje(Zhang Yanqing)

Analysis on Mandala’s Formation and Structure/84

Zhang Yajing

Tibetan Women in the Eyes of the Travllers from Rgya-nag in the Republic of China:A Study on the Travel Writings/96

He Naizhu

Local Responses to the “Comfortable Housing Policy”in the Tibetan Autonomous Region:A Case Study Based on the Actor-oriented Approach/105         

Yang Minghong

Giuseppe Tucci as Archaeologist/123

Pierfrancesco Callieri ; translated by Cheng Jiafen,Lv Hongling

Western Tibet :Historical Introduction/135

Luciano Petech;translated by Zhang Changhong

Tucci Archive Report,4:Dung dkar/Phyi dbang,West Tibet, and the Influence of Tangut Buddhist Art/178

Deborah Kilmburg-Salter; translated by Qin Zhen;Zhang Changhong




从新出考古材料论西藏本教丧葬仪轨的源流       ……霍巍(1)



来自东方:藏译汉典           ……乔纳岑·艾伦·斯尔克(29)

吐蕃对敦煌石窟影响再探---吐蕃因素影响下的归义军首任节度使张议潮功德窟                            ……沙武田(37)

青海郭里木出土棺板画数据统计与分析        ……宋耀春(58)



西藏山南地区达隆寺壁画题记的初步考察     ……萨尔吉(85)

略论西藏石窟寺平面形制                     ……何伟(108)

浅谈强准祖拉康的建筑形制与艺术风格       ……李亚忠(121)







关于《中论颂》的早期藏文注疏         ……吉水千鹤子(182)

俄·洛丹协饶(1059-1109)《正理滴论广注简明导论》中西藏认识论分类的早期发展追踪           ……帕斯卡尔·于贡(194)

关于蒙古版法称《释量论》藏译本的一则评注 ……范德康(235)



黑水城出土藏传佛典《中有身要门》考释     ……孙伯君(246)

《等持集品》的西夏文译本                 ……聂鸿音(265)

不为人知的汉族藏传佛教徒:安多藏传佛教寺院的汉活佛和信徒                                      ……滕华睿(274)

“七至十七世纪西藏历史与考古、宗教与艺术国际学术研讨会”述评                                    ……张长虹(299)

摘要                                          ……(312)



On the Origin of Tibetan Bon Funerary Rituals from Newly Discovered Archaeological Materials /1          

Huo Wei

An Interpretation of the Numerical Coding in the Old Tibetan Documents from Dunhuang/18

Pelchan Dorje(Zhang Yanqing),He JinjiangOut of the East: Tibetan Scripture Translation from Chinese/29

Jonathan A.Silk

A Study of Tubo Influence on the Dunhuang Grottoes---the Cave of Zhang Yichao,the First Military Commissioner of the Guiyi Army,under the Influence of Tubo Factors/37        

Sha Wutian

A Statistical Analysis of the Dataof the Coffin Paintings Unearthed From Guolimu in Qinghai Province/58     

Song Yaochun

Preliminary Remarks on a Collection of Prajnaparamita Manuscripts from’On Ke ru Temple/70

Matthew T.Kapstein

A Preliminary Report on the Inscriptions at Stag lung thar gling chos sde Monastery/85                        


The Shape of Tibetan Cave Temples/108          

He Wei

A Preliminary Study on the Architectural Structure and Artistic Style of the Byams sprin gtsug lag khang/121   

Li Yazhong

On the Historical Position of Khyung lung mkhar gdong, Mnga' ris, Based on Bon Literary Sourses/133      

Dondrup Lhagyal

Dreading the Gar log: Legends and History of Relations between the Gu ge Kingdom and the Qarlug of Western Regions/145

Huang Bo

The Tabo Avatam sakasūtra Corpus: Remarks on the Comparative Study of Manuscripts and Wall Inscriptions/163

Laxman S. Thakur

Chapter Titles and Divisions of the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā in Early Tibetan Commentaries/182  

Yoshimizu Chizuko

Tracing the Early Developments of Tibetan Epistemological Categories in Rngog Blo ldan shes rab's (1059‒1109) Concise Guide to the Nyāyabindu īkā/194     

Pascale Hugon

A Note on the hor par ma-Mongol Xylograph of the Tibetan Translation of Dharmakīrti's Pramā avārttika (Tshad ma rnam 'grel)/235           

Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp

A Note on the hor par ma-Mongol Xylograph of the Tibetan Translation of Dharmakīrti's Pramā avārttika (Tshad ma rnam 'grel)/241

Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp, translated by Yang Qingfan

A Textual Research on the Tangut Version of the Bar do lus kyi mang ngag Translated from Tibetan in Khara Khoto Collection/246

Sun Bojun

On the Tangut Version of the Ting nge 'dzin gyi tshogs kyi le'u/265

Nie Hongyin

An Unknown Tradition of Han Chinese Conversions to Tibetan Buddhism: Han Chinese Incarnate Lamas and Parishioners of Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries in Amdo/274    

Gray Tuttle

A Review of the International Conference on Tibetan History and Archaeology, Religion and Art (7-17thC.)/299






……李映福 哈比布(1)

再论卡若、曲贡等西藏史前遗址的相关问题   ……汤惠生(11)

德噶• 玉蔡会盟寺的再思考        ……马休·凯普斯坦著(32)

德噶• 玉蔡会盟寺的再思考 ……马休·凯普斯坦著 卢素文译(35)

藏文བལ་པོ་一词的演变              ……杨铭(38)

关于新发现的吐蕃赤德祖赞时期者龙噶丹兴庆寺发愿钟的几个问题                                       ……陆离(44)

查木钦石碑与吐蕃墓群主人之新考            ……夏吾卡先(56)

古格王国早期的一幅观音唐卡             ……阿米·海勒(70)

蒙元时代真武——大黑天故事文本流传考     ……马晓林(85)

西藏的弥勒神话                         ……根本裕史(99)

明智化寺本《佛说金轮佛顶大威德炽盛光如来陀罗尼经》图像研究                                            ……廖旸(111)

《究竟瑜伽鬘》中的秘密集会三十二尊曼荼罗 ……张雅静(141)

蔡巴万户历史考述——以藏文文献《贡塘寺志》为中心的探讨                                     ……米玛次仁(153)


                            ……乌云毕力格 道帏·才让加(175)

蒙文版《察哈尔格西·罗桑楚臣传》版本研究 ……董晓荣(186)

试论18 世纪后期清朝对康区政策的变化   ……小林亮介(197)

文明交汇与社会变迁:1923 年哈佛人类学家沃尔辛中国内陆西北甘青探险及其拉卜楞研究               ……尼玛扎西(208)

传统生态伦理的关联研究——以西藏中部地区扎西林和论布岗的吊厕为例                              ……曾仁利(216)

对第四届中国西藏发展论坛的观察            ……陈波(228)

摘要                                         ……(235)



The Discovery and Preliminary Research on Smelting Remains Found in the Gargrong Village Site, Duilung dechen County, TAR/1                           

Li Yingfu  Ha Bibu

Remarks on such Prehistoric Archeological Sites in Tibet as Kha rub, Chu gong, and Related Issues/11     

Tang Huisheng

The Treaty Temple of De ga g.yu tshal: Reconsiderations/32

Matthew T. Kapstein

The Treaty Temple of De ga g.yu tshal: Reconsiderations/35

Matthew T. Kapstein, Chinese translation by Lu Suwen

The Evolution of the Tibetan Place Name Bal po/38

Yang Ming

Some Questions about the Newly Discovered Praying Bell in the Jag rong dga' ldan byin chen Monastery during the Period of Btsan po Khri lde gtsug brtsan/44                        Lu Li

Re-examination on Khrom Chen Tombs in Lha rtse, TAR/56

Shawo khacham

An Early Thangka of Avalokiteśvara from the Kingdom of Guge/70

Amy Heller

A Textual Study of the Three Versions of the Zhenwu-Mahākāla Story in the Mongol-Yuan Period/85         

Ma Xiaolin

The Myth of Maitreya in Tibet/99      

Nemoto Hiroshi

Iconographical Analysis of a Ming Print of *Uṣṇīṣacakra-mahābalaguṇa-tejaprabhatathāgata-

dhāraṇī-sūtra in the Collection of Zhihua Monastery/111

Liao Yang

The 32-deity Guhyasamāja Maṇḍala Recorded in Niṣpannayogāvalī/141                  Zhang Yajing

The History of Tshal pa Myriarchy: A Study Based on the Annals of Gung thang Monastery/153            

Migmar Tsering

A Study of A Bka' gtan Document Issued by Gu shri Bstan 'dzin chos rgyal to the Stag phu Monastery in the Iron-Dragon Year/175

Borjigidai Oyunbilig,Dobis Tsering Gyal

A Study of the Mongolian Version of the Biography of Chahaer Dge bshes Blo bzang tshul khrims/186        

Dong Xiaorong

The New Policies of the Qing toward the Khams Region during the Late Eighteenth Century/197       

Kobayashi Ryosuke

The Crossroad of Four Civilizations and Social Change: the Expedition of the Harvard Anthropologist Wulsin in Northwester China and His Research in Labrang/208   

Nyima Tashi

On Dry Toilets in Tibetan Rural Areas and the Relation to the Local Developments and Traditional Ecological Ethics/216

Zeng Renli

Some Observations about the Fourth Forum on the Development of Tibet/228                                  Chen Bo

Abstracts /235



更新世晚期至全新世中期青藏高原的狩猎采集者 ……吕红亮(1)

吐蕃占领敦煌时期写经道场相关问题考述      ……赵青山(28)


……张延清 桑吉扎西 (44)

伯希和集品敦煌遗画目录                    ……张德明(56)

西夏文《除念定碍剂门》考释               ……孙伯君(110)

“管主八”译音小考                       ……聂鸿音(126)




清嘉庆时布赉绷寺喇嘛与玉树札乌喇嘛互争粮户布施一案探析                                     ……桑丁才仁(156)

祖源认同彰显下的国家与土司关系——明末汉人视野中川西北杂谷土司的祖源身份与政治认同            ……邹立波(168)

论西藏僧官贵族                     ……嘎·达哇才仁(184)

藏族流动人口城市适应性研究——以到成都就医的藏族为分析对象                                ……徐君 李彦 (197)


……王晓辉 (210)

西藏与祖国关系的历史逻辑与理论表述——“西藏自古以来就是中国的一部分”研究评述                ……霍巍 李帅(222)

藏语示证范畴研究综述                    ……邵明园 (249)



摘要                                          ……(279)



Late Pleistocene and Holocene Hunter–Gatherers on the Tibetan Plateau/1                             Lu Hongliang

A Study on the Activity of Copying Buddhist Texts in Dunhuang during the Reign of Tubo Kingdom/28    

Zhao Qingshan

A Study on Tibetan Ban 'de chen po's Letters and Notes for Collating Buddhist Texts in the Old Tibetan Dunhuang Documents Preserved in France/44

Zhang Yanqing, Sangs rgyas bkra shis

A Catalogue of the Dunhuang Paintings in the Pelliot Collection/56                          Zhang Deming

A Textual Research on the Tangut Version of the Chu Nianding'ai Jimen/110                                 Sun Bojun

A Phonetic Note on Bka' 'gyur pa/126       

Nie Hongyin

A Study of the Relationship between Tibet and Manchuria: Based on an Analysis of the Word ''Manchu'' in Tibetan Historical Works Written during the Qing Period/132          

Han Teng

On John Stewart's Version of the 6th Panchen Erdeni's Letters to Warren Hastings/144                       

Liu Sen

An Analysis into the Case of Contending for Donations by Tax-paying Households Between Monks from Drepung and Yushul Gawu Monasteries during the Reign of the Jiaqing Emperor of the Qing Dyansty/156                

Samten Tsering

The Relationship between the State and the Chieftains in the Circumstance of the Ancestral Identity: the Ancestral Status and Political Identity of Rgyal Kha, Chieftain, from the Han Chinese Perspective in the Late Ming Dynasty/168

Zou Libo

On Tibetan Ecclesiastic Official Aristocrats/184

Ga Dawa Tsering

Adaptation of the Tibetan Floating Population in Large Cities — A case of Tibetans Seeking Medical Treatment in Chengdu/197

Xu Jun  Li Yan

An Empirical Study of Tourism Image of Tibet in the Perceptual Context of Domestic and Foreign Tourists/210

Wang Xiaohui

The Historical Logic and Theoretical Expression of the Relationship Between Tibet and the Motherland — A Review of "Tibet is an Inseparable Part of China since Ancient Times"/222

Huo Wei  Li Shuai

A Review of Studies on Tibetan Evidentiality/249

Shao Minɡyuan

A Great Feat in the Cultural Communication between Tibetan and Mongolian Culture — the Dictionary of Tibetan and Mongolian/265                                Danqu





……张正为 夏格旺堆 吕红亮 索朗·秋吉尼玛 (1)

石渠吐蕃摩崖刻文的整理与研究究         ……夏吾卡先(19)

莫高窟第158 窟建窟年代新探         ……张延清 张子鹏(36)

吐蕃王朝时期的王妃身份与赞普继嗣探析    ……李沛容(49)




……王瑞雷 (109)

阿尔寨石窟藏密双身图像研究              ……董晓荣(127)

历代中央政府封授达赖喇嘛印信考述        ……何晓东(142)



何光燮劝阻有泰弗画押藏约说之考辨         ……康欣平(178)

传教士顾福安及其康藏研究                ……朱娅玲(190)

河口慧海旅藏期间的植物采集活动及其缘由考述……芦笛 (207)

二战期间德国的西藏和中亚考察与研究计划   ……赵光锐(226)

藏学家柔克义的中国                        ……陈波(240)



1942 年“藏警案”的历史记忆文本与基本史实——兼述“独立”与“反独立”的博弈                        ……邹敏(269)

《明镜》视角中的近代涉藏事件           ……华旦才让(288)



Identification and Interpretation of Faunal Remains from a prehistoric cist burial in Amdo Zong, North Tibet/1      

Zhang Zhengwei  Shargan Wangdue  Lu Hongliang  Sodnam Choskyi nyima

The Retranscription of the Tibetan Imperial Cliff & Rock Inscriptions in Ser shul and Its Research/19

Shawo khacham

A New Exploration on the Building Time of Mogao Cave 158 , Dunhuang Grottoes/36     Zhang Yanqing  Zhang Zipeng

The Relationship between the Status of Princess and the Succession of King during the Period of Tubo Kingdom/49

Li Peirong

Za hor and its Contribution to Tibetan Medicine, Part Two: Sources of the Tibetan Medical Tradition

Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp(63)

An Iconographic Exploration of Dang po'i sangs rgyas in the Lha khang dmar po of Mtho lding Monastery/109

Wang Ruilei

A Study on the Iconography of Yab-yum Images of Tibetan Buddhism at Arzhai                       Grottoes/127

Dong Xiaorong

Research on the Seals Granted to the Dalai Lamas by the CentralGovernment/142           

He Xiaodong

On Jinchuan's Aborigines' being Admitted to the Eight Banners—the Eight BannersSystem tends to be Open and Isolated during the Mid and Late Qing Dynasty/159     

Xu Fayan

A Study of the Claim about He Guangxie's Dissuading You Tai from Signing the Tibetan Treaty/178

Kang Xinping

The Missionary Robert Cunningham and His Tibetan Studies of Kham Area/190                          


A Study of Ekai Kawaguchi' s Plant Hunting Activities and Related Motives during His Trips to Tibet/207           

Lu Di

German Expedition and Research Plans in the Central Asia and Tibet during theSecond World War/226

Zhao Guangrui

China Interpreted by W.W. Rockhill, the American Tibetologist/240

Chen Bo

Mongolian Adaptations of Utopian Alternatives in the Legends of Śambhala and Their Eschatological Narratives/256

Vesna A. Wallace

Texts of Historical Memory and the Basic Historical Facts of "Tibet Police Incident" in 1942——A Contest between the "Pro-independence" and the "Anti-independence"/269

Zou Min

Tibet-Related Events Recorded by the Melong/288

Palden Tsering




藏东地区大日如来与八大菩萨图像研究……卢素文 达哇彭措(1)


……安德鲁·昆特曼 科蒂斯·谢夫(32)

瞿昙寺善财童子五十三参壁画及汉藏文化交流相关问题补论                                       ……董华锋(74)

明代藏传佛教度牒制度探微                 ……阴海燕(83)

明清时期嘉绒藏区的地域概念及其演变初探   ……邹立波(96)

康区“白利土司”考                     ………李志英(107)




清代西藏城市发展与寺庙的关系研究         ……王肇磊(151)




从日常生活看后藏农区的两性差异--以日喀则市夏村田野观察为例                                   ……谭思颖(230)




……武内绍人著 杨铭 杨公卫译(269)

摘要                                          ……(283)



A Study of Vairocana with Eight Bodhisattva Images Discovered in East Tibet/1

Lu Suwen  Dawa Ohuntsok

The Life of the Buddha at Rtag brtan Phun tshogs gling Monastery in Text, Image, and Institution: A Preliminary Overview/32

Andrew Quintman  Kurtis R. Schaeffer

An Additional Discussion of the Wall Painting of Sudhana’s in qutan Monastery and the Issues Related to the Sino-Tibetan Cultural Exchange/74                  

Dong Huafeng

An Inquiry into the dudie Certificate for Tibetan Buddhist Monks during the Ming Dynasty/83               

Yin Hai yan

A Preliminary Study on the Geographical Concept of Rgyalrong and Its Evolution during the Ming and Qing Dynasties/96

Zou Libo

A Textual Study of the Beri Tusi/107         

Li Zhiying

“Kang” in Gazetteers of Tibet in the Early Period of the Qing Dynasty and the Characteristics of the Accounts/123

Zhao Xinyu

On Jin Chuan’s Strategic Position and Its Connection with Central Tibet and Inland China Based on the Archives of the Qing Dynasty/138                        Wang Huimin

A Study of Monasteries and Urban Development of Tibet in the

Qing Period/151                    

Wang Zhaolei

A Study of the sound of chanting ritual in Dharma assembly of dga' ldan lnga mchod at Gandan monastery, Lhasa/163

Wang Yingjie

Making Areas and Patterning Diversity on the Tibetan Plateau:Meshworks,Hierarchies,and Catalysts/200

Gerald Roche

Gender Differences of People’s Daily Life in Central Tibetan Rural Area:A Case Study of Xia Village/230

Tan Siying

A.H. Francke and the initiation of archaeology in Western Tibet/245                              Yang Qingfan

Some Issues about the Old Tibetan Contracts from Dunhuang and Xinjiang/269

Tsuguhito Takeuchi, translated by Yang Ming, Yang Gongwei

Abstracts /283



关于吐蕃告身和大虫皮制度的再探讨-英藏新疆米兰出土古藏文文书Or.15000/268号研究                     ……陆离(1)

新发现晚唐敦煌赞普问疾听法图研究兼谈莫高窟第9窟功德主之族属                                   ……魏健鹏(14)

东千佛洞第二窟十一面救八难观音图像研究   ……常红红(30)

夏鲁寺甘珠尔殿阿閦佛九尊坛城考           ……王传播(51)

西藏拉孜县平措林寺祖拉康大殿壁画的题材与风格及其流派初探                       ………熊文彬,孜强·边巴旺堆(72)

笃补巴祖师唐卡释读                        ……王怡潇(90)

再论笃补巴喜饶坚赞著作《山法了义海论》与《第四结集》的年代                                       ……范德康(115)

历史上跨喜马拉雅之路的书籍生产:桑丁多吉帕姆一世的业迹                               ……海德嘎·丁伯格(160)

民国时期汉藏边境上作为文化中介人的商人 ……玉珠措姆(177)

严重依赖外商的近代西藏阿里外贸业    ……刘复生 黄博(211)



丽江永胜县大安藏语的来历初探:通过与纳西族的接触如何演变                                     ……铃木博之(250)


……李中锋 吴昊(264)

摘要                                          ……(275)



A Re-examine of the Yi ge and Dpa' mtshan drug System of the Tubo Dynasty—— A Study of the old Tibetan Document Or.15000/268 in the british liberary/1                            Lu Li

A Study of the NewlyDiscovered Wall Painting of "The Btsanpo Listening to the Teaching" in Mogao Cave 9 —— A Discussion of the Ethnic Identity of its Main Donors/14

Wei Jianpeng

A study of the Images of the "Eleven-faced Ārya Avalokiteshvara Who Protects from the Eight Perils" in Dongqianfo Cave 2/30

Chang Honghong

A Study of 9-Deity Akṣobhya Maṇḍala in Kanjur Chapel of Zhwa lu Monastery/51                      

Wang Chuanbo

A preliminary Study on the Style and its Identification of Wall Painting in the Gtsug lag khang Temple, Phun tshogs gling Monastery, Lha rtse County, TAR /72

Xiong Wenbin  Tsechang Penba Wangdu

A ThangKa of Dol po pa of the Jonang School

……Wang Yixiao(90)

Reconsidering the Dates of Dol po pa Shes rab rgyal mtshan's(1292-1361) Ri chos nges don rgya mtsho and the Bka' bsdu bzhi pa'i don             ……Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp(115)

Book Production on a Historic Transhimalyan Route:the Deeds of the First Bsamsdings Rdo rje Phag mo

……Hildegard Diemberger(160)

Traders as Cultural Brokers on the Sino-Tibetan Borderland during the Republican Period                 ……Yudru.Tsomu(177)

The Dependency on Foreign Merchants in Mngaris's Modern Foreign Trade Industry of Mnga'ris

……Liu Fusheng     Huang Bo(211)

From Directional Verb to Evidential Marker:On the Grammaticalization of the Evidential Marker ཐལ in Tibetic Languages                        ……Shao Mingyuan(226)

A Brief Investigation of the History of Daan Tibetan spoken in Yongsheng, Lijiang: How it developed through a contact with Naxi people                         ……Suzuki, Hiroyuki(250)

A Study on the Status Quo and the Improvement of Tibetan Farmers’and Herdsmen’s Engineering Construction Participation——Based on the Field Survey of three Construction Projects in TAR            ……Li Zhongfeng,Wu Hao(264)

Abstracts                                    ……(275)



佛传叙事演变略探-从四相成道到十二宏化事迹  ……萨尔吉(1)

《唐蕃会盟碑》唐朝官员题名分析            ……梁晓强(22)




两枚明清中央政府颁赐西藏地方官员印章考释 ……朱德涛(171)

从藏文史籍中有关朱元璋的记载看明清时期藏人对中原的认知                                 ……黄辛建、陈东(182)



族群地域空间与政区构建关系研究——以清至民国时期华热藏区为例                                   ……冯玉新(209)


……罗绒战堆 彭衡(228)

摘要                                          ……(240)



A Brief Survey of the Narration of the Buddha’s Life:From the Four Great Events to the Twelve Deeds/1                


An Analysis of the Titles of the Tang Officials in the “Alliance Tablet of Tang and Tibet/22

Liang Xiaoqiang

The Envoy of Peace and Cultural Exchange between Tang and Tubo :The Sanha of the Tibo Kingdom/33

Zhang Yanqing  Yang Benjia

Can one be a Mādhyamika, a crypto-Vaibhāṣika, and a faithful interpreter of Dharmakīrti? On Phya pa Chos kyi seng ge’s doxographical divisions and his own philosophical standpoint/51

Pascale Hugon

A Critical Study of the Iconography and Texts of Varsravana and the Eight Horsemen in Zhwa lu Monastery/154

Jia Weiwei

An Investigation into Two Seals Granted to Local Tibetan Officials by the Ming and Qing Central Government/171

Zhu Detao

The Tibetan Perception of Central China from the Records about Zhu Yuanzhang in Tibetan Historical Texts/182

Huang Xinjian  Chen Dong

The Characteristics of Jinchuan(Chu chen)Topography and Its Influence on the Qing Army from the Archives of Qing Dynasty/192

Wang Huimin

A Study of the Relationship between the Huare(Dpa’ris)Tibetan area and the Construction of Administrative Area:Taking the Huare Region during the Qing and the Republican Period as an Example/209                            FengYuxin

A Study of Societal Harmony and Related Issues under the Constraints of Double Contradictions in Tibetan Autonomous Region/228         

Lhorong Dradul& Peng Heng

Abstract /240




………………四川大学考古学系  四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州文物管理所 (1)


………青海省文物考古研究所  四川大学考古学系  成都文物考古研究所 (24)

2012 年青海省玉树州治多县登额曲岩画群调查简报

………青海省文物考古研究所  四川大学考古学系  成都文物考古研究所 (41)


…………………………青海省文物考古研究所  四川大学中国藏学研究所(63)


…青海省文物考古研究所  四川大学中国藏学研究所  四川大学考古学系 (95)


………………………青海省文物考古研究所  四川大学中国藏学研究所(148)


………………………青海省文物考古研究所  四川大学中国藏学研究所(164)




…………………………………………………………………………… 霍川(202)

2015 年西藏山南琼结河流域考古调查简报

四川大学中国藏学研究所  四川大学考古学系  西藏自治区文物保护研究所



四川大学中国藏学研究所  四川大学考古系  西藏自治区昌都芒康县文物局


西藏西部阿里卡尔东遗址 2013 年试掘出土动物遗存鉴定与分析

…………………………………………………………………张正为  吕红亮(252)


………………………………原海兵  索朗·秋吉尼玛  吕红亮  夏格旺堆(273)



摘 要 …………………………………………………………………………………(314)


Table of Contents

A Preliminary Archaeological Survey Report on the Cist Burials in the Upper Rgyal mo rngul chu River /1

Department of Archaeology, Sichuan University

Rnga ba Cultural Heritage Administration, Sichuan Province

 Report on the Excavation of the Cist Burials at the Pukar Gongma Site, 'Bri stod County, Qinghai Province /24

Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

Department of Archeology, Sichuan University

Chengdu Municipal Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

Report on the Investigation of Deng nge chu Petroglyphs in 'Bri stod County of Yul shul, Qinghai Province /41

Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

Department of Archeology, Sichuan University

Chengdu Municipal Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

An Archaeological Survey Report of the Sku gzugs byon pa Buddhist Rock Carvings

in the Leb 'khog Valley in Yul shul, Qinghai Province /63

Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

Center for Tibetan Studies of Sichuan University

An Archaeological Survey Report of the Dbus nag byon pa Buddhist Rock Carvings in the Leb 'khog valley in Yul shul, Qinghai Province /95

Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

Center of Tibetan Studies, Department of Archaeology, Sichuan University

Archaeological Survey Report of Chab 'gag Buddhist Rock Carvings in the Leb 'khog Valley in Yul shul, Qinghai Province /148

Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

Center for Tibetan Studies of Sichuan University

A Brief Archaeological Survey Report on the Song Dynasty Rock Inscriptions in Geri of Yul shul, Qinghai Province /164

Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

Center for Tibetan Studies, Sichuan University

A Study of the Tang Sandstone Pillar with a Chinese Inscription that is Housed in the Field Museum of Chicago /183

Lin Meicun

Tracing the Cultural Relics Unearthed from the Tombs of the Tubo Period in Tulan, Qinghai Province /202

Huo Chuan

An Archaeological Survey Report of Work Done in 2015 in the 'Phyongs rgyas River Valley in Lho kha, Tibet /220

Center of Tibetan Studies, Department of Archaeology, Sichuan University

Institute for Cultural Heritage Preservation and Research, TAR

Lhokha Cultural Heritage Administration, TAR

Archaeological Report on the Newly Discovered Tubo Dynasty Rock Sculptures in the Town of Sgar thog in Smar khams County, Tibet /233

Center of Tibetan Studies, Department of Archaeology, Sichuan University

Smar khams Cultural Heritage Administration, Tourism Administration, TAR

Identification and Analysis of Faunal Remains from Dkar dung Site of Mnga' ris, West Tibet /252

Zhang Zhengwei, Lü Hongliang

Research on the Human Skeletons from a Prehistoric Cist Burial in Amdo County of Nag chu, Northern Tibet /273

Yuan Haibing, Bsod nams chos ki nyi ma, Lü Hongliang, Shargan Wangdue

Rock Reliefs in East Tibet and Yizhou in the Context of Cultural Exchanges between Tang and Tubo /301

Huo Wei

Abstracts /314



榆林窟第 3 窟的阿閦净土变与观无量寿经变



——以敦煌藏文文献 IOL Tib J75 写本为中心………………………桑吉东知(20)




——从大庆法王给大宝法王的一封致书谈起………………李帅 朱德(172)

18 世纪初清在康区东部设置土司行动述评…………………………赵心愚(181)




奥巴马时代美国对西藏政策探析………………………………郭永虎 韩磊(247)


——兼论丝绸之路西藏西部阿里段………………成倩 于春 席琳 何伟(264)



………安娜·阿卡索伊、罗内特·约耶里 - 特拉里姆 著,叶静珠穆 译(292)

摘 要 …………………………………………………………………………………(314)


Table of Contents

The Tableaux of Akṣobhya’s Pure Land and Visualization Sutra in Yulin Cave 3 /1

Liu Yongzeng

A Survey and Study of the Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese Versions of the Jayamatiparipṛcchāsūtra ——A Case study of the Tibetan Dunhuang Manuscript IOL Tib J75 /20

Sangji Dongzhi

A Catalogue of the Dunhuang Paintings in the Stein Collection /47

Zhang Deming

Kashmiri Painting Style in the Murals of the Guge Dynasty of Mnga' ris /156

Xiong Wenbin

Research on the Daqing Fawang Rin chen dpal ldan: A letter from the Daqing Fawang to the 8th Karmapa /172

Li Shuai & Zhu Detao

A Review of the Qing Action in Setting up Tusi in Eastern Kham at the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century /181

Zhao Xinyu


Research on the Third and the Fourth Rje btsun dam pa /194

Huang Quanyi

The Disagreements between Bishop Pérocheau and Priest Renou Regarding the Catholic Mission in Tibet /210

Liu Ruiyun

The Rise of Jagö Topden, A Political Strongman in Kham in the Twentieth Century /227

Yudru Tsomu

A Study of U.S. Policy Towards Tibet during the Obama Era /247

Guo Yonghu & Han Lei

A Test and Preliminary Study of the Composition of the Glass Beads Excavated from the Norbutso Site of Ngari in Tibet——and a Discussion of the Silk Road in Ngari /264

Cheng Qian, Yu Chun, Xi Lin, He Wei

An Introduction to the New Publication of Sum pa Ye shes dpal 'byor’s Collected Works /275

Hanung Kim

The Musk Routes: Exchanges Between Tibet and the Islamic World /292

Anna Akasoy and Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim

translated by Yejing Zhumu




瓜州榆林窟第 15 窟吐蕃装唐装组合供养伎乐考 …………………… 沙武田(1)

新发现的《班丹扎释偈挽碑》及相关问题研究 …………………… 董华锋(17)

转译中的五台山 :一个出现于蒙元时期的汉藏并存之地 …………… 丁一(25)

宣文辅治 :元朝统一西藏前后阿里地区的政教关系研究 …………… 黄博(55)

从北京木刻本《十方圣主格斯尔可汗传》插图看蒙古族关公信仰 … 董晓荣(75)


清朝川藏地方藏语文译员职缺设置考 ……………………………… 石岩刚(106)

民国时期绰斯甲地区的隶属之争 ……………………………………… 阎翠(115)


——鼠类动物的妖魔化和神圣化 ……………… 唐邵宇 嘎尓让 叶亭(128)

新见西藏江达朗贡巴草场确权文告的释读与研究 …… 余小洪 于丽萍(139)

“人、物、神”:巴塘藏戏的地方性与超地方性 ………………… 翟淑平(151)

白马藏族音乐研究述评 :1980—2015 ………………………………… 杨扬(166)

摘要  …………………………………………………………………………………(178)


Table of Contents

The Pilgrim-Performers in Tibetan-Tang style Costumes in the Yulin Cave 15 in Guazhou, Gansu Province /1

Sha Wutian

A Study of the Newly Discovered Stele with an Elegiac Couplet that was Written by Dpal ldan bkra shis and Related Issues /17

Dong Huafeng

“Translating” Wutai Shan into Ri bo rtse lnga (Five-Peak Mountain) —— The Inception of a Sino-Tibetan Site in the Mongal-Yuan Era (1206-1368) /25

Ding Yi

The Relationship between Politics and Religion of Mnga’ ris during the Unification of Tibet under the Yuan Dynasty /55

Huang Bo

Observations about the Mongol Guan Gong Belief on the basis of the Illustrations of the Peking Xylograph of "The Biography of Holy Lord Geser Khan of the Ten Directions" /75

Dong Xiaorong

Rgya nag and Ethnic Conceptions of Manchu and Han in the Tibetan Literature of the Qing Dynasty /92

Luo Hong

Notes on the Establishment of the Position of Tibetan Translators in Sichuan and Tibet by the Qing Dynasty /106

Shi Yangang

The Dispute over the Jurisdiction of Khro skyabs during the Republican Period /115

Yan Cui

Tibetan Cultural Interpretation of the “Rat Disaster” in the Pastoral Area of the Tibet Plateau: The Demonization and Sanctification of Rodents /128

Tang Shaoyu Gaerrang Emily Yeh

Interpretation and Analysis on a Newly Discovered Document of Right Confirmation Proclamation of the Meadow belonged to Glang Temple in 'Jo mda' County, Tibet /139

Yu Xiaohong Yu Lipping

“Humans, Things, Divinities”: The Local and Trans-local Characteristics of Tibetan Opera in Batang/ 151

Zhai Shuping

A Review of Studies on the Music of the Baima in Recent 35 Years (1980—2015) /166

Yang Yang

