Yang Zhenzhi(杨振之)




Yang Zhenzhi, male, born in Chongqing in April 1965, Ph.D, professor, doctoral supervisor in Tourism Management and doctoral supervisor in Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development of the School of Tourism of Sichuan University. He serves as Director of Chinese Leisure and Tourism Research Center of Sichuan University; Secretary General of IRVS; Vice Chairman of Specialized National Committee on Regional Tourism Development under the Regional Science Association of China; Director of Research Institute of Tourism Geology and Geo-parks under Geological Society of China; Vice Director General of Sichuan Institute of Tourism Geology; assessment expert on urban planning of the Department of Construction of Sichuan Province; and academic member of the most authoritative academic journal in domestic tourism industry, Tourism Tribune. His main research directions include: tourism planning, urban and rural planning, scenic spot planning, scenic spot management and tourist destination marketing.