Ga Errang(嘎尔让)




Ga Errang, male, PhD, Associate Professor, talent introduced by SCU pursuant to the Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and full-time researcher of SCU’s Center for Tibetan Studies, a key research base for humanities and social science under the Ministry of Education. He is in charge of major research tasks in the domain of "study on social transformation and social reality issues in Tibet". 

Research field: he is good at adopting frontier academic achievements in human geography and anthropology, as well as ethnographic fieldwork approaches to study present hot issues during social transformation of the Tibetan pastoral areas. He mainly focuses on such topics as social development practice and cultural change of Tibetan areas, their integration with hinterland China, and the relationship between recovery of Tibetan Buddhism and globalization of Tibetan areas. During his stay at the University of Colorado for PhD degree courses, he participated in a number of transnational research cooperation projects, obtained several project funds related to doctoral dissertation, and published many papers on international journals.