



Zhoujing, born in Zizhong, Sichuan in 1974. In 1996, she received a bachelor’s degree in History from the former Sichuan Union University; in 1999, she got a master’s degree in History from SCU, where she also received her doctoral degree in History in 2008. From 1999 to 2001, she was an associate lecturer at SCU; from 2001 to the present, she serves as a lecturer at the Department of Archaeology of SCU.

2003~2004  She stayed at Peking University’s Archaeology and Museology College for advanced studies in museology

2008~2009  She participated in the training course of “Cultural Heritage Protection of Ethnic Groups in Southwest China”, sponsored by U.S. Congress’s certain foundation and held by Arkansas Global Program of the University of Arkansas; from March to April in 2009, she visited more than ten museums in the U.S. for exchange activities and study.

Her main research direction: museology, and archaeology of the Tang and Song Dynasties.