Zhang Yanqing(张延清)






Zhang Yanqing, male, associate professor at the Center for Tibetan Studies of SCU, he was born in the Tibetan Autonomous County of Tianzhu, Gansu Province in Oct. 1969;

Born in the Tibetan Autonomous County of Tianzhu in Gangsu Province on Oct. 30th , 1969;

1985-1988  He studied at the Minzu Middle School for high school education in the Tibetan Autonomous County of Tianzhu; 

1988-1992  He studied at the Department of Tibetan Language of Northwest Minzu University for undergraduate education;

1992-1999  He worked in the Science and Technology Committee of the Tibetan Autonomous County of Tianzhu;

1999-2002  He studied at the Gesar Research Institute of Northwest Minzu University for postgraduate education;

2002-2012  He worked at the Institute of Literature of Dunhuang Academy;

2007-2010  He studied at the Institute of Dunhuang Studies, School of History and Culture, Lanzhou University for a doctoral degree in History;

2010-2012  He studied as a post-doctor at the Center for Tibetan Studies of SCU;

From 2012 to the present, he works at the Center for Tibetan Studies of SCU.