Field Trip to Mt. Qingcheng for Overseas Students

更新日期:2019-06-04      来源:Department of International Tourism and Hotel Management


On May. 20,  the overseas students of the Department of International Tourism and Hotel Management went to Mt. Qingcheng to conduct field trip, due to response to call of the “Belt and Road” construction and the practical needs of the five courses of Tourism Resource Development and Planning、Sustainable tourism、Visitor Attraction Management、Cross-Cultural Communication in Tourism Context、Tourism Culture. The field trip was organized by Mr. Xinshuang (Director of the Department), Mr. Wen Junjie (Deputy Director of the Department), Ms. Jin Pei, and Ms. Yu Meng.


Mt. Qingcheng located in the southwest of Du Jiangyan, Sichuan Province. It is a world cultural heritage site and one of the birthplaces of Taoism in China. Mt. Qingcheng covers an area of 200 square kilometers. It boasts its seclude because of its overlapping mountains, lush forests and winding paths. Before this field trip, teachers have assigned research tasks to students of all grades according to the course content, so that students can have a deeper understanding of scenic spot management, tourism culture and other aspects during the trip.

At 8:00 a.m., all of people gathered at the east gate of Jiang'an Campus and took a bus to Mt. Qingcheng. The tour guide introduced the scenic spot, historical evolution and cultural background of Qingcheng Mountain. They imitated the gesture of "making a snuggle" by the tour guides. Through the shape of "Yin and Yang" formed during the snuggling, they became interested in this mysterious local religion in China.


After the explain of scenic spots, it’s the free time to research. The students made the group by themselves according to the course arrangement, then went to observe and record the management, culture and scenery of the scenic spot. At 16:00 p.m., all the teachers and students gathered at the gate of the scenic spot to return school. This field trip to Qingcheng Mountain was successful completed.


Field Trip is a key teaching work of the International Department of our school, which combines theory with practice. The trip to Mt. Qingcheng not only enables students to experience the natural beauty, but also fully appreciates the culture of the World Cultural Heritage. It has achieved the goal of teaching practice and paved the way for the smooth development of follow-up teaching work.