Bachelor Degree: Cultural Heritage and Museology

更新日期:2018-12-17      来源:

Course Category Course name English Course Name Credit Class hour Theoretical Hours Experimental Hours Practical Hours(weeks) Semester Total Credits
COMPULSORY 思想道德修养与法律基础 Thought Morals Accomplishment and Basic Law 3 48 32   16 1Fall 36
中国近现代史纲要 The Outline of Chinese Modern History 3 48 32   16 1Spring
马克思主义基本原理概论 The Basic Principles of Marxism 3 48 32   16 2Fall
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 Mao Zedong Thought and Theoretical System of Socialism 5 80 48   32 2Spring
形势与政策-1 Situation and Policy-1 0 16 16     1Fall
形势与政策-2 Situation and Policy-2 0 16 16     1Spring
形势与政策-3 Situation and Policy-3 0 16 16     2Fall
形势与政策-4 Situation and Policy-4 0 16 16     2Spring
形势与政策-5 Situation and Policy-5 0 16 16     3Fall
形势与政策-6 Situation and Policy-6 0 16 16     3Spring
形势与政策-7 Situation and Policy-7 0 16 16     4Fall
形势与政策-8 Situation and Policy-8 2 16 16     4Spring
大学英语(综合)-1 College English (Comprehensive)-1 2 32 32     1Fall
大学英语(口语)-1 College English (Oral English)-1 1 16 16     1Fall
大学英语(阅读与翻译)-2 College English (Reading and Translation) -2 2 32 32     1Spring
大学英语(口语)-2 College English (Oral English)-2 1 16 16     1Spring
大学英语(创意阅读)-3 College English (Creative Reading)-3 2 32 32     2Fall
大学英语(创意阅读)-4 College English (Creative Reading)-4 2 32 32     2Spring
军事理论 Military Theory 1 16 16   1周 1Fall
军训 Military Training 1 32     2周 1SpringS
体育-1 Physical Education-1 1 32 2   30 1Fall
体育-2 Physical Education-2 1 32 2   30 1Spring
体育-3 Physical Education-3 1 32 2   30 2Fall
体育-4 Physical Education-4 1 32 2   30 2Spring
大学生心理健康 Mental Health Education 1 16 16     1Fall
大学计算机基础课程类(各专业根据人才培养要求选择) Computer 2         1Fall
新生研讨课 Freshman Seminars 1 16 16     1Fall
中华文化(文学篇) Chinese Culture(Literature) 3 48 48     2Fallor2Spring 3(choose 1)
中华文化(历史篇) Chinese Culture(History) 3 48 48     2Fallor2Spring
中华文化(哲学篇) Chinese Culture(Philosophy) 3 48 48     2Fallor2Spring
中华文化(艺术篇) Chinese Culture(Arts) 3 48 48     2Fallor2Spring
OPTIONAL UIP               2
COMPULSORY 古代汉语-1 Ancient Chinese Language-1 3.0 48       1Fall 31
中国古代史(上) History of Ancient China 4.0 64       1Fall
世界上古史 AncientWorld History 3.0 48       1Fall
古代汉语-2 Ancient Chinese Language-2 3.0 48       1Spring
中国古代史(下) History of Ancient China 4.0 64       1Spring
世界中古史 Medieval World History 3.0 48       1Spring
考古学导论 Introduction to Archaeology 2 32 28   4 1Fall
考古学与文明史 Archaeology and the History of civilization 2 32       1Spring
博物馆学概论 Introduction to Museology 3 48 45 3   1Spring
中国考古学-1 Chinese Archaeology-1 4 64 54   10 1Spring
COMPULSORY 中国考古学-2 Chinese Archaeology-2 4 64 56   8 2Fall 24
中国考古学-3 Chinese Archaeology-3 4 64 56   8 2Spring
中国考古学-4 Chinese Archaeology-4 3 48 36 4 8 3Spring
博物馆藏品保护管理 Preservation and management of Museum collections 2 32 22   10 2Fall
博物馆营销 Marketing of the Museum 2 32 24   8 2Fall
文物保护概论 Introduction to Conservation 3 48 36 6 6 2Spring
中国古代美术简史 Ancient Chinese Art history 3 48       2Spring
博物馆展陈 The museum exhibition 2 32 10   22 3Spring
文化遗产概论 Introduction to Cultural heritage 2 32 28   4 4Spring
Optional(At least 24 credits) 国外考古概论 Introduction to Foreign Archaeology 2 32       4Fall 47
中国青铜器 Chinese Bronze Ware 2 32       2Fall
中国西南考古 Archaeology of Southwestern China 2 32 26 6   3Spring
中国古代建筑 Ancient Architecture of China 2 32       2Fall
古钱学概论 Introduction to Numismatics 2 32       2Spring
中国古代陶瓷 Ancient Chinese Ceramics 2 32       2Spring
植物考古 Archaeobotany 2 32 16 16   3Spring
环境考古技术 Technology of Environmental Archaeology 2 32 0 32   3Spring
环境考古 Environmental Archaeology 2 32       2Spring
体质人类学 Physical Anthropology 3 48 32 16   3Spring
冶金考古 Archaeometallurgy 2 32 24 8   4Fall
佛教考古概论 Introduction to Buddhist Archaeology 2 32       3Spring
中国古代玉器 Ancient Chinese Jade 2 32 26   6 3Spring
美术考古概论 Introduction to Fine Arts Archaeology 2 32       3Spring
文化人类学 Cultural Anthropology 2 32       4Fall
藏族艺术史 Tibetan art history 2 32       3Spring
考古学专题研究 Special Topics on Archaeology 2 32       4Fall
考古技术 Technology of Archaeology 4 64 16 48   2Spring
田野考古概论 Field Archaeology 2 32       2Spring
考古目录学 Archaeological Bibliography 2 32       3Spring
考古学史 History of Archaeology 2 32       3Spring
中国书画概论 Introduction to Chinese painting and calligraphy 2 32       4Fall
COMPULSORY 创新创业教育   4           33
博物馆实践 Intership at Museums 15 240       3Fall
学年论文 Annual Paper 2 32       3Spring
毕业论文 Graduation Thesis 6 96       4Spring
博物馆展陈设计实训 The Museum Exhibition practice 4 64       3Spring
选修 文物保护实验技术 Laboratory Technology to Consevation 3 48 6 42   3Spring 3