Bachelor Degree: Exhibition Economy and Management

更新日期:2018-12-17      来源:

Course Category Course name English Course Name Credit Class hour Theoretical Hours Experimental Hours Practical Hours(weeks) Semester Total Credits
COMPULSORY 思想道德修养与法律基础 Thought Morals Accomplishment and Basic Law 3 48 32   16 1Spring 36
中国近现代史纲要 The Outline of Chinese Modern History 3 48 32   16 1Spring
马克思主义基本原理概论 The Basic Principles of Marxism 3 48 32   16 2Fall
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 Mao Zedong Thought and Theoretical System of Socialism 5 80 48   32 2Spring
形势与政策-1 Situation and Policy-1 0 16 16     1Fall
形势与政策-2 Situation and Policy-2 0 16 16     1Spring
形势与政策-3 Situation and Policy-3 0 16 16     2Fall
形势与政策-4 Situation and Policy-4 0 16 16     2Spring
形势与政策-5 Situation and Policy-5 0 16 16     3Fall
形势与政策-6 Situation and Policy-6 0 16 16     3Spring
形势与政策-7 Situation and Policy-7 0 16 16     4Fall
形势与政策-8 Situation and Policy-8 2 16 16     4Spring
大学英语(综合)-1 College English (Comprehensive)-1 2 32 32     1Fall
大学英语(口语)-1 College English (Oral English)-1 1 16 16     1Fall
大学英语(阅读与翻译)-2 College English (Reading and Translation) -2 2 32 32     1Spring
大学英语(口语)-2 College English (Oral English)-2 1 16 16     1Spring
大学英语(创意阅读)-3 College English (Creative Reading)-3 2 32 32     2Fall
大学英语(创意阅读)-4 College English (Creative Reading)-4 2 32 32     2Spring
军事理论 Military Theory 1 16 16   1 Week 1Fall
军训 Military Training 1 32     2 Weeks 1Spring
体育-1 Physical Education-1 1 32 2   30 1Fall
体育-2 Physical Education-2 1 32 2   30 1Spring
体育-3 Physical Education-3 1 32 2   30 2Fall
体育-4 Physical Education-4 1 32 2   30 2Spring
大学生心理健康 Mental Health Education 1 16 16     1Fall
大学计算机基础课程类(各专业根据人才培养要求选择) Computer 2         1Fall
新生研讨课 Freshman Seminars 1 16 16     1Fall
中华文化(文学篇) Chinese Culture(Literature) 3 48 48     2Fallor2Spring 3 (Choose 1)
中华文化(历史篇) Chinese Culture(History) 3 48 48     2Fallor2Spring
中华文化(哲学篇) Chinese Culture(Philosophy) 3 48 48     2Fallor2Spring
中华文化(艺术篇) Chinese Culture(Arts) 3 48 48     2Fallor2Spring
OPTIONAL “实践及国际课程周”or其它未纳入通识模块的课程 UIP             2
COMPULSORY 微积分(Ⅲ)-1 Calculus (Ⅲ)-1 3 64 54 10   1Fall 31
线性代数(Ⅲ) Linear Algebra(Ⅲ) 3 64 54 10   1Fall
概率统计(Ⅲ) Probability statistics(Ⅲ) 3 64 54 10   1Spring
微积分(Ⅲ)-2 Calculus(Ⅲ)-2 3 64 54 10   1Spring
管理学原理 Principles of Management Science 3 48 45 3   1Fall
微观经济学 Microeconomics 3 48 45 3   1Fall
宏观经济学 Macroeconomics 3 48 45 3   1Spring
社会学 Sociology 2 32 30 2   1Fall
旅游地理学 Tourism Geography 3 48 45 3   1Spring
旅游学基础 Principles of Tourism 3 48 45 3   1Fall
会展概论(双语) Introduction to Events Management 2 32 30 2   1Spring
OPTIONAL 旅游策划     Tourism Planning 2 32 32     1Spring 14
民俗学概论 Introduction to Folklore Study 2 32 32     2Fall
跨文化交流技能—聚焦国际旅游(全英文) Intercultural Communication Skills with Special Focus on Working in International Tourism 2 32 32     2Fall
旅行社经营管理 Operation and Management of Travel Agencies 2 32 24 8   2Fall
旅游与休闲研究方法 Research and Methodalogy on Tourism and leisure activities 2 32 32     2Spring
服务管理 Service management 2 32 24 8   3Spring
旅游人类学 Tourism Anthropology 2 32 32     3Spring
COMPULSORY 会议需求与策划 Convention Demand and Planning 2 32 30 2   2Fall 32
展览策划与组织 Expo Planning and Organization 2 32 30 2   2Fall
节庆活动策划与管理 Festival and events planning and management 2 32 30 2   2Spring
企业参展原理 Principles for Enterprises as Exhibitors 2 32 30 2   2Spring
会展文案(全英文) Business Writing for MICE 2 32 30 2   2Spring
活动案例研究 Events Case Study 2 32 30 2   3Spring
产业经济学 Industrial Economics 2 32 30 2   2Fall
旅游市场营销 Tourist Marketing 3 48 45 3   2Fall
消费者行为学 Consumer Behavior 2 32 30 2   2Fall
商务统计学 Business Statistics 3 48 45 3   2Fall
项目管理(全英文) Project Management 2 32 30 2   2Spring
会计学 Accounting 2 32 30 2   2Fall
财务管理 Financial Management 2 32 30 2   2Spring
项目投资分析 Project Investment Analysis 2 32 30 2   2Spring
饭店管理 Hotel Management 2 32 24 8   1Spring
OPTIONAL 展览创意设计入门 Introduction to Expo creative design 3 48 24 24   2Spring 27
奖励旅游 Incentive travel 2 32 30 2   3Spring
赛事研究 Sports event research 2 32 32     3Spring
会展与城市经济学 Events and urban economics 2 32 32     3Spring
会展研究前沿讲座 Lectures on Events Studies 2 32 32     4Fall
旅游目的地营销      Marketing of Tourism Destination 2 32 32     4Fall
旅游心理学 Tourism Psychology 3 48 48     2Spring
旅游空间分析 Spatial Analysis of Tourism 3 48 48     2Spring
形体与礼仪 Etiquette for Tourism 2 32 0 32   3Spring
景观美学 Landscape aesthetics 2 32 32     3Spring
文化旅游(全英文) Cultural tourism 2 32 32     4Fall
国际旅游中的跨文化竞争力(全英文) Cross cultural competitiveness in international tourism 2 32 32     4Fall
COMPULSORY 国际贸易学(实务) International Trade Practice 3 48 48     2Spring 5
供应链管理 Supply chain management 2 32 32     3Spring
COMPULSORY 课程实习-1 Field Study for Courses -1 1 16 10 6   2Fall 27
课程实习-2 Field Study for Courses -2 1 16 10 6   2Spring
场馆经营管理实习 Venue Operation Management Practice 2 32 32 0   3Fall
会展设备管理实习 Exhibition Equipment Management Practice 2 32 32 0   3Fall
会展现场管理实习 Exhibition Field Management Practice 2 32 32 0   3Fall
会展活动策划实习 Events Planning Practice 2 32 32 0   3Fall
节事活动策划实习 Festival Planning Practice 2 32 32 0   3Spring
创新创业讲座 Lectures on innovation and entrepreneurship 2 32 32     2SpringS
创新创业教育   4          
学年论文 Junior-year Thesis 2 32     2 Weeks 3Spring
毕业论文(设计) Graduation Dissertation 8 128     8 Weeks 4Spring