Bachelor Degree: History

更新日期:2018-12-17      来源:


Course Category Course name English Course Name Credit Class hour Theoretical Hours Experimental Hours Practical Hours(weeks) Semester Total Credits
COMPULSORY 思想道德修养与法律基础 Thought Morals Accomplishment and Basic Law 3 48 32   16 1Fall 36
中国近现代史纲要 The Outline of Chinese Modern History 3 48 32   16 1Spring
马克思主义基本原理概论 The Basic Principles of Marxism 3 48 32   16 2Fall
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 Mao Zedong Thought and Theoretical System of Socialism 5 80 48   32 2Spring
形势与政策-1 Situation and Policy-1 0 16 16     1Fall
形势与政策-2 Situation and Policy-2 0 16 16     1Spring
形势与政策-3 Situation and Policy-3 0 16 16     2Fall
形势与政策-4 Situation and Policy-4 0 16 16     2Spring
形势与政策-5 Situation and Policy-5 0 16 16     3Fall
形势与政策-6 Situation and Policy-6 0 16 16     3Spring
形势与政策-7 Situation and Policy-7 0 16 16     4Fall
形势与政策-8 Situation and Policy-8 2 16 16     4Spring
大学英语(综合)-1 College English (Comprehensive)-1 2 32 32     1Fall
大学英语(口语)-1 College English (Oral English)-1 1 16 16     1Fall
大学英语(阅读与翻译)-2 College English (Reading and Translation) -2 2 32 32     1Spring
大学英语(口语)-2 College English (Oral English)-2 1 16 16     1Spring
大学英语(创意阅读)-3 College English (Creative Reading)-3 2 32 32     2Fall
大学英语(创意阅读)-4 College English (Creative Reading)-4 2 32 32     2Spring
军事理论 Military Theory 1 16 16   1Week 1Fall
军训 Military Training 1 32     2Weeks 1SpringS
体育-1 Physical Education-1 1 32 2   30 1Fall
体育-2 Physical Education-2 1 32 2   30 1Spring
体育-3 Physical Education-3 1 32 2   30 2Fall
体育-4 Physical Education-4 1 32 2   30 2Spring
大学生心理健康 Mental Health Education 1 16 16     1Fall
大学计算机基础课程类(各专业根据人才培养要求选择) Computer 2         1Fall
新生研讨课 Freshman Seminars 1 16 16     1Fall
中华文化(文学篇) Chinese Culture(Literature) 3 48 48     2Fallor2Spring 3(Choose 1)
中华文化(历史篇) Chinese Culture(History) 3 48 48     2Fallor2Spring
中华文化(哲学篇) Chinese Culture(Philosophy) 3 48 48     2Fallor2Spring
中华文化(艺术篇) Chinese Culture(Arts) 3 48 48     2Fallor2Spring
OPTIONAL 全球变革中的近代中国史专题 modern China in world history, 1750-present 1 16         2
COMPULSORY 古代汉语-1 Ancient Chinese Language-1 3.0 48 48     1Fall 33
中国古代史(上) History of Ancient China 4.0 64 48     1Fall
世界上古史 Ancient World History 3.0 48 48     1Fall
古代汉语-2 Ancient Chinese Language-2 3.0 48 48     1Spring
中国古代史(下) History of Ancient China 4.0 64 64     1Spring
世界中古史 Medieval World History 3.0 48 48     1Spring
考古学导论 Introduction to Archaeology 2 32       1Fall
考古学与文明史 Archaeology and the History of civilization 2 32       1Spring
博物馆学概论 Introduction to Museology 3 48       1Spring
中国考古学-1 Chinese Archaeology-1 4 64 62   2 1Spring
史学研究基础与规范 Foundations and Standards in Historical Studies 2 32 32     2Fall
COMPULSORY 世界近代史 History of Modern World I 3 48 48     2Fall 28
世界现代史 History of Modern World II 3 48 48     2Spring
世界当代史 History of Comtemporary World 3 48 48     3Fall
外国史学要籍选读(英文) Readings in the Classcis of Foreign Historiography 2 32 32     2Fall
西方史学史 History of Western Historiography 2 32 32     2Fall
中国近代史 History of Modern China (1840-1911) 4         2Fall
中国现代史 History of Modern China (1911-1949) 4         2Spring
史学概论 Introduction to Historiography 3         2Spring
中华人民共和国史 History of PRC 4         3Fall
OPTIONAL 西方史学理论原著选读 Western Theories of History:An Introduction to Original Work 2 32 32     2Spring 36
世界史专业文献检索与利用 Professional Literature Searching and Utilization in Foreign History Studies 2 32 32     2Fall
世界史学术前沿 Frontier Issues in Foreign History Studies 2 32 32     2Spring
古希腊语(初级) Ancient Greek (primary Level) 2 32 32     2Fall
古拉丁语(初级) Ancient Latin(primary Level) 2 32 32     2Fall
基础日语 Basic Japanese 2 32 32     2Fall
基础法语 Basic French 2 32 32     2Fall
基础德语 Basci German 2 32 32     2Fall
基础意大利语 Basic Italian 2 32 32     2Fall
德国史 History of Germany 2 32 32     2Spring
法国史 History of France 2 32 32     2Spring
英国史 History of Great Britain 2 32 32     2Fall
美国史 History   of     U.S.A. 2 32 32     3Fall
日本史 History of Japan 2 32 32     2Spring
古希腊罗马史专题研究 Special Study of Ancient Greek-Roman History 2 32 32     2Fall
丝路古国史 History of Countries along The Ancient Silk Road 2 32 32     2Spring
基督教史 History of Christianity 2 32 32     2Fall
日本外交史 History of Japan's Diplomacy 3 48 48     2Spring
文艺复兴时期的文化与社会 Culture and Society in Renaissance 2 32 32     2Spring
西方艺术史 History of Western Arts 2 32 32     2Fall
拜占庭帝国史 History of Byzantine Empire 2 32 32     2Fall
西方思想文化史原著选读(上) The History of Western Thought and Culture:An Introduction to Original Work I 2 32 32     2Fall
西方思想文化史原著选读(下) The History of Western Thought and Culture:An Introduction to Original Work II 2 32 32     2Spring
史学社会学 Sociology of Historiography 2 32 32     3Fall
历史记忆与新文化史的理论与实践 Theories and Practices in Historical Memory and New Cultural Histoy 2 32       3Fall
启蒙运动史 History of Enlightment 2 32 32     2Spring
中世纪书籍史 History of Medieval Books 2 32 32     2Fall
西方儿童史导论 Introduction to Western Children’s History 2 32 32     2Spring
美国外交史 History of American Diplomacy 2 32 32     3Fall
美国智识生活史 History of American Intellectual Life 2 32 32     2Fall
美国现代化研究(全英文) Study of American Modernization 2 32 32     3Fall
大英帝国史(1600—2000) History of British Empire(1600-2000) 2 32 32     3Fall
日本政治史专题研究 Special Study of Japanese Political History 2 32 32     3Fall
日本历史与日本文化 Japanese History and Culture 2 32 32     2Fall
日本史文献资料阅读 Reading Primary Sources of Japanese History 2 32 32     2Spring
德国史史料阅读 Reading Primary Sources of German History 2 32 32     3Fall
巴蜀文化 Culture of Ba and Shu 3 48 48     2Spring
《左传》导读  Introduction to Zuozhuan 2 32 32     1Spring
中国古代经济史专题研究 Social-economic History of Ancient China 3 48 48     3Fall
康藏历史与文化 The History and Culture in Kham Region 2 32 32     3Spring
中国边政与西南边疆研究 Research on Chinese Border Policies and Southwest Borderland 3 48 48     2Spring
历史地理学概论 The Conspectus of Historical Geography 2 32 32     2Spring
人类学名著导读 Introduction to Classics of Anthropology 2 32 32     3Fall
东亚儒学研究 Research on Confucianism in East Asia 2 32 32     2Spring
清代思想史专题  Monographic Study on History of Ideas in Qing Dynasty 2 32 32     2Spring
《Weeks易》初阶 Primer on Book of Changes 2 32 32     3Spring
中国古代茶史 The History of Tea in Ancient China 2 32 32     1Spring
古籍整理的方法 Method of Arrangment of Ancient Literature 1 16 16     2Spring
历史人类学概论  Historical Anthropology 2 32 32     2Spring
中国民族史专题   Monographic Study on Chinese Ethnic History 2 32 32     3Fall
文化人类学  Cultural Anthropology 2 32 32     2Fall
中国史学史 History of Chinese Historiography 3 48 48     2Fall
中国历史文献学 Historical Philology of China 2 32 32     2Fall
中国传统文化 The Traditional Culture of China 2 32 32     3Fall
中国历史文化地理 Historical Cultural Geography of China 2 32 32     2Spring
清代灾荒史 History of Disasters and Famines in Qing Dynasty 2 32 32     3Fall
中国与东亚 China and East Asia 2 32 32     3Spring
司法档案中的明清法律与社会史 Legal and Social History in the Judicial Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties 2 32 32     2Spring
汉唐史名著导读 Introduction to Masterpieces in Medieval China Study 2 32 32     3Fall
中国古代茶文化 The Culture of Tea in China 2 32 32     2Fall
先秦秦汉史专题研究 Monographic Study on History of Pre-Qin Period, Qin and Han Dynasties 2 32 32     2Spring
魏晋南北朝史专题研究 Monographic Study on History of Wei-jin-nan-bei Dynasties 2 32 32     3Spring
隋唐史专题研究  Monographic Study on History of Sui-tang Dynasties 2 32 32     3Fall
宋史专题研究  Monographic Study on History of Song Dynasty 2 32 32     3Fall
蒙元史专题 Monographic Study on History of Yuan Dynasty 2 32 32     2Spring
明清史专题研究   Monographic Study on History of Ming-qing Dynasties 2 32 32     2Fall
近代中国政治史论 Political History in Modern China 2         3Fall
近代中国社会史专题研究 Studies in the Social History of Modern China 2         3Fall
城市发展专题研究 Studies in the Devolopment of Cities 2         3Spring
晚清近代教育 Modrn Education of Late Qing Dynasty 2         3Spring
中国近现代的史学与史料学 History and Historical Materials in Modern China 2         3Fall
中国现代军事史研究 Military History of Republican China 2         3Spring
中国近现代思想文化专题研究 Special Study on Modern Chinese Intellectual Culture 2         3Spring
晚清民国的古物收藏与考古学 Antiquities Collection and Archeology in Modern China 2         3Spring
中国近现代土地制度史 The history of land system in modern China 2         3Fall
近代中国历史与人物 Figures and History of Modrn China 2         3Fall
中国近代社会经济史专题研究 Research on the Social and Economic History of Modern China 2         4Fall
中国近代史西文文献导读(全英文) Guided Readings of Western Studies on Late Imperial & Modern China 2         3Fall
中国城市史概论 Introduction to Chinese Urban History 2         3Spring
唐代丝绸之路历史与文化 The History and Culture of the Silk Road in Tang Dynasty 2         2Spring
现代藏语(高级阅读和口语) Modern Tibetan (advanced reading and speaking) 2         3Fall
拉萨口语 Lhasa Vernacular 2         2Spring
COMPULSORY 读书报告-1 Reading Reprot-1 1         2Fall 22
读书报告-2 Reading Reprot-2 1         2Spring
学年论文 Annual Paper 4         3Fall
社会实践 Social Practice Report 4 64     4Weeks 3Spring
创新创业教育 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education 4          
毕业论文 Graduation Thesis 8         4Spring
OPTIONAL(Choose 1) 古籍整理实践 Practice of Arrangment of Ancient Literature 2         3Spring 4
中国现当代民间文献整理与研读 Arrangment and Reading of Chinese Modern-Contemporary Literature 2         3Spring
方志文化巡礼 Visiting Local Cultural Relics 2         3Spring
公共史学 Public History 2 32 14   3 3Spring
成都历史与文化 The History and Culture of Chengdu 2         3Spring
口述史的理论与实践 Theory and Practice of Oral History 2         3Spring