Regulations Education For All the International Students of School of History & Cultures ( Tourism)

更新日期:2018-04-27      来源:Luo Chunxia, Yaoyao, Huachang

Friday 20th April witnessed a regulations education for all the international students, organized by the School of History & Cultures (Tourism) at room 704,zone 2 of the Liberal Arts building, Jiang’an campus. The orientation is mainly to explain about the Handbook for International Students by Mr. Luo, program officer of Overseas Student Office and Ms. Xia, tutor of School of History & Cultures (Tourism). Ms. Liu, another Program officer of Overseas Student Office, also participated the orientation.


Mr. Luo talked about the insurance, Visa, regulations in dorm and other matters. In addition, Mr. Luo mentioned students can get psychological help from the professional psychologist in our university to achieve a better mental state. At last, Mr. Luo emphasized that students should pay attention to coordinating their own time and put study at the first place.


Tutor Xia emphasized the importance of security in and off campus and mainly explained the rules and procedures of leave application. "Students cannot leave the university without permission during the semester. A leave application is required when students leave the university more than one day.For undergraduate students, 3-day leave should get the approval from the tutor; 4-day-to-2-week should get the approval from the tutor and dean; longer-than-2-week should get the approval from the tutor, dean and overseas student office.For postgraduate students, please get the approval from the respective supervisor first before the tutor."


The orientation provides many useful suggestions for international students. Hope everyone can enjoy study and life in Sichuan University.