Administration Rules on Foreign Student Apartment

更新日期:2017-12-15      来源:

Adopted at the 3rd meeting of Student Apartment Administration Committee during 2006~2007

In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Chapter 1 General rules

1. In order to standardize the administration of Further Education and Foreign Student Apartment, create a civilized, healthy, safety, tidy and comfortable studying and living environment, and protect the rights and interests of students, FEFSA makes the rules based on Administration Regulations on Accommodation for Student Apartment of Tsinghua University, Administration Regulations on temporary accommodation of the Police Office, Administration Regulations on Foreign Student Accommodation, Administration Regulations on the Entry of Foreigners of the People's Republic of China and Administration Regulations on Hotel Industry.

2. Further Education and Foreign Student Apartment is ruled by Student Apartment Administration Committee of Tsinghua University.

3. Further Education and Foreign Student Apartment is owned by Tsinghua University, while administrated by Property Management Centre of Tsinghua University. It is used for accommodation of further education students and foreign students. The students lived in the apartment should obey the administration regulations, and support the work of Tsinghua University.

Chapter 2 Check In and Check Out

4. The check in qualification should be examined and approved first by relative offices. After that, Further Education and Foreign Student Apartment Office would arranged the rooms:

(1) The accomodation application of Further Education Students proposed by school or department of Tsinghua University is examined and approved by Education and Training Office. While the accomodation application of Students persuing Postgraduate Degree is examined and approved by the Graduate School.

(2) Foreign students could check in with admission paper from Tsinghua University, introduction letter from Foreign Student Office or valid student card.

(3) Students from Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong could check in with the introduction letter from Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong Affair Office or from their departments.

5. All the Students should check in at the general service desk, move to the right room, and should not change room without the approvement of the apartment.

6. When check out, come to general service desk, go through the check out procedure and balance the room rent.

7. If check in again after checking out, go through the same procedure as that of the last time.

Chapter 3 Administration Regulations on Accommodation

8. Keep yourself safe and improve safety and self-defense awareness.

9. Close the door and windows after leaving your room, keep valuables properly, and deposit your money. Please notice the receptionist on the ground floor or the school Security and Safeguard Department, if you find anyone suspicious.

10. Don鈥檛 give your room key to others. Key copying, room lock changing or adding is forbidden.

11. Leasing your room and accommodating other people are forbidden.

12. Visitors should show their valid identification and register on the Visitor's Book. The visiting time in the apartment is 8:00~23:00. Visitors should leave before 23:00.

13. Please protect public facilities, use them properly. Report to the receptionists in time if you find them damaged. Compensate the damage caused by your improper use, according to the compensation table.

14. Decorating, destroying or changing the room structure and function is forbidden.

15. Keep apartment tidy, please don't break the tidy apartment environment on purpose. Please don't put sundries on public place.

16. Keep quite in the apartment. Please don't make noise, in order to give other people a quite environment.

17. Gambling, excessive drinking and other activities affecting other people's health and the public order are forbidden in the apartment. Business activity is also forbidden in the apartment.

18. Should not post or distribute posts or advertisements in the apartment without permission. Please keep the advertising board tidy while using.

19. Pets are forbidden in the apartment.

20. Improve fire controlling awareness. Destroying or moving the fire fighting equipment is forbidden. Please notice receptionists when you find them destroyed.

21. No fire with flame.

22. Incendive, explosive and strong caustic goods using or storaging is forbidden. Use table lamp, radio, TV, computer and other low power electricity properly. Peccancy electric equipments, connecting electric wire, destroying or changing electro circuit without permission are forbidden.

(1) In the apartment, peccancy electric equipments are as follows:

Speedy heater, electric cooker, electric blanket, electric pen, etc.

Electric equipments with 1000w plus power.

(2) Behaviors as follows are named connecting electric wire without permission.

Educing electric wire from electrical outlet outside your room;

Educing electric wire from electrical outlet in the room to the public place.

23. Power saving is advocated.

Please turn off the light when leaving.

Water saving is also advocated. Leaving water flow is forbidden.

24. Keep you vehicle tidy in the appointed place.

Chapter 4 Punishment Regulations

25. The apartment office would notice the people and relative organization firstly while rule offending behavior occurs. The accommodation qualification will be cancelled if you offend the administration rule more than 3 times, including 3 times.

26. The apartment office would cancel the accommodation qualification, if these behaviors occur:

(1) engaging in activities offending the laws in the apartment;

(2) putting the apartment in a unsafe case;

(3) subleasing the room or bed;

(4) accommodating others in the apartment;

(5) default in room rent on purpose. Don't turn in room rent after 3 days receiving the delinquency notice;

(6) not registering new visa after the visa is overdue.

Chapter 5 Supplementary Articles

27. The administration regulation is carried out from September 1st, 2007. If regulation before is inconsistent with this one, take this one as the standard.

28. The explanation rights of this administration regulation belong to the Student Apartment Administration Committee of Sichuan University.