童恩正/Tong Enzheng

更新日期:2017-12-14      来源:School of History&Cultures

Tong Enzheng (1935-1997), famed modern archeologist, historian, anthropologist and writer of science fiction literature in China. Born on August 27, 1935 in Lushan, Jiangxi, his native place is in Ningxiang, Hunan. Mr. Tong graduated from the first archeology specialization class of Sichuan University’s Department of History in 1961. From 1962 to 1989, he taught at the Archaeological Teaching and Research Office of the History Department of Sichuan University, and then at Sichuan University Museum, and eventually served as professor and Curator. He successively served as Standing Committee Member of Sichuan Provincial Committee of CPPCC, Executive Director of the China Science Popularization Association, Director of China Film Association Sichuan Branch, Executive Director of Sichuan Film Association, Director General of China Bronze Drum Research Association, Vice Director General of the Southwest China Ethnic Research Society, Visiting Professor of History Department and Oriental Art Research Center of University of Pittsburgh, Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute, etc. He went to the United States in 1989, and passed away at the age of 62 in Middletown, Connecticut, at 9 am on April 20, 1997.