吴天墀/Wu Tianchi

更新日期:2017-12-14      来源:School of History&Cultures


Wu Tianchi (1913-2004), also named Pufan, Sichuan Wanxian (now belonged to Chongqing) people, historian. He graduated from the History Department of Sichuan University in 1938 and stayed at the University as a teaching assistant. Subsequently he served as researcher at the Sichuan Education and Science Museum, secretary of former Xikang Government and Curator of Ya'an Library and other positions successively. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he worked as a lecturer at SCU’S Department of History, associate professor of Chengdu College of Science, as well as professor of Cheeloo University, Zunjing Sinology Academy, Oriental College of Culture and Education and North Sichuan University. After the founding of the PRC, he had long been professor of the History Department of Sichuan University, and winner of the Special Allowance granted by the State Council of China; he also acted as part-time professor of Sichuan Normal University and Ningxia University, librarian of Sichuan Research Institute of Culture and History, and academic member of the Research Center for Xixia Culture under Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. In his long-term academic research and education career, Prof. Wu never stopped writing and teaching; he had cultivated a number of masters and doctors, and promoted the development of SCU’s relevant disciplines. The great contributions he made to the academic circle of our country have won him widespread praise and respect from his colleagues and students.