冯汉骥/Feng Hanji

更新日期:2017-12-14      来源:School of History&Cultures


Feng Hanji (1898-1977), Hubei Yichang people, famed modern archeologist and ethnographer in China. He is one of the forerunners who used modern archeology and ethnology to study ancient Chinese society, and the founder of archeology major of Sichuan University as well.

Born in Yichang, Hubei, Mr. Feng graduated from Wuchang Wenhua University in 1923 and was appointed as the Director of Xiamen University Library in 1924. In the summer of 1931, he went to the United States and was enrolled at the Department of Anthropology at Harvard University’s Research Institute, where he obtained his doctorate in the summer of 1936. In the following spring, at the invitation of Director Li Ji in charge of the preparatory work of the Central Museum, he returned to China to prepare for the work of the museum. Following the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, he was hired by Sichuan University as a Professor of History Department. Except brief tenures in the Department of Sociology of West China Union University, Southwestern Museum and Sichuan Provincial Museum, he taught at Sichuan University for lifetime.

Mr. Feng is one of the pioneers of modern archeology in China and the founder of archeology major at Sichuan University as well. His articles like The Chinese Kinship System published during his stay in the United States exploited the principle of "narrative kinship" and "classificatory kinship" in anthropology to explore the origin of kinship terminology in ancient China, and interpreted a number of long-standing controversial problems in a scientific and rational way, with a big impact on the international academic community at that time. Mr. Fung brought an atmosphere valuing field investigation and excavation to the History Department of Sichuan University. In the summer of 1938, he conducted a scientific investigation around the upper reaches of the Minjiang River alone, pioneering the archaeological excavation and study in the Western Sichuan Plateau. From 1942 to 1943, Mr. Feng chaired the excavation of Wang Jian Tomb of the Former Shu in Chengdu, the first large-scale excavation of underground tomb in China, and completed the writing of the Report on Excavation of the Former Shu’s Wang Jian Tomb (published by Cultural Relics Publishing House) in 1962. In the meantime, he re-translated Morgan's "Ancient Society". This accurate and fluent translation was included in the "Chinese Translation of the World’s Academic Classics" and reprinted by the Commercial Press repeatedly. In 1985, some of his papers were collected as Feng Hanji's Archaeological Proceedings and published by the Cultural Relics Publishing House.