Dual World-Class--Regional History and Borderland Studies

更新日期:2017-11-25      来源:历史文化学院

Under one of our College’s main disciplines - "Regional History and Borderland Studies", a discipline included in the "Dual World-Class" construction campaign of Sichuan University, there are three sections: "Western China’s History and Its Cultural Development", "Archeological Studies of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Southwest China" and "Geopolitics and Borderland Studies". Pinpointing the missions set for the building of world-class university and disciplines, the College is endeavoring to reform and innovate relevant mechanism and system, promote interdisciplinary integration, consolidate and improve advantageous disciplines like Chinese History and Archeology, as well as key disciplines such as Topic History and Studies of Historical Literature, and create Borderland Studies and some other distinctive cross-disciplinary disciplines, so as to keep a foothold at the commanding heights of the world’s academic forefronts, and respond to the great demand of establishing the Chinese academic discourse right along with the rising up of China.

(1) Section of Western China’s History and Its Cultural Development mainly focuses on the following five aspects of studies. Local Studies of Chinese History:from the perspective of grassroots below prefecture and county levels, re-explore major issues occurred along the historical development process of China, and pay special attention to those concerning social transformation and state power integration in modern China; Studies of Bashu Culture in the Chinese Multicultural System:mainly focuses[l1] on the development and evolution of early Bashu civilizations and Shu Studies, in a bid to deepen understanding of the relation between integrity and locality of Chinese culture; Studies of Social History of Sichuan’s local society since the Qing Dynasty: on the basis of sorting out and interpreting grassroots files, investigate the changes of grass-root society in Sichuan Province since the Qing Dynasty;Studies of the Urban History of Western China: prioritize the study of urban history of Tibet, Xinjiang, Sichuan and Chongqing, and the comparative study between the cities of borderland & ethnic minority areas and those in hinterland China; Studies of  History of the "Rear Area" during the Anti-Japanese War: relying on our advantages of reference materials, comprehensively investigate the political, economic, social and cultural situations of the "Rear Area" during the Anti-Japanese War, in a view to concrete and magnify the confidence of the Chinese People.

(2) Section of Archeological Studies of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Southwest China mainly focuses on four aspects of studies. Studies of the History of Sino-Tibetan Exchanges:sort out systematically the remains of Chinese and Tibetan literatures and arts, and study the development sequence as well as  evolution rule, communication mode and era features of the two-way exchanges between inland China and Tibet, as well as the two great peoples; Archeological Studies of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Research on the "Belt and Road":from an archaeological perspective, study the formation and development of early civilizations in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, as well as its cultural interaction with the surrounding areas, and elaborate its original bond and close ties with the "Belt and Road "; Studies of the Resources and Society of Southwest China:from the perspectives of resources, technology and society, and by means of advanced modern archaeological technique, investigate the formation and development of Ba, Shu, Dian and some other early civilizations in Southwestern China, as well as social changes of this region since Qin and Han Dynasties; Studies of Grotto Temples in Southwest China of Tang and Song Dynasties: through systematic archaeological survey and mapping of Buddhist and Taoist grottoes (cliffside sculptures) in Southwest China of Tang and Song Dynasties, complete the framework of time and space, and investigate the religious beliefs in the Middle Ages of China.

(3) Section of Geopolitics and Borderland Studies mainly focuses on four aspects of studies. Study of the System Construction of Borderland Studies Discipline: covering the construction of Borderland Historical Geography, Borderland Politics, Borderland Sociology, Borderland Economics and Borderland Security Studies, summarize the particularity and regularity of Chinese borderland issues, and advance its borderland research from spontaneous actions to conscious endeavor guided by related theories; Studies of Capacity Building in Borderland Security and Governance: focus on investigating and analyzing various security threats and challenges related to Tibet, Xinjiang, borderland and foreign countries (especially neighboring countries), as well as the "Belt and Road" initiative, to explore new paradigms, new strategies and new approaches for coping with these challenges and threats. Studies of Social Mobility and Modernization of Borderland:comprehensively and systematically study the relationship between social mobility (including vertical mobility and horizontal mobility) & modernization in borderland and the nation's building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects; Studies of South Asia, Southeast Asia and the "Belt and Road" initiative:covering the studies of South Asian & Southeast Asian nations and peripheral security, regional security in South Asia & Southeast Asia and as well as researches on the construction of "Belt and Road" initiative, ethnic and religious issues of this region, as well as cultural exchange and economic cooperation between China and South Asia & Southeast Asia.