Chinese History

更新日期:2017-11-25      来源:历史文化学院

    Chinese History Program in Sichuan University, established more than a century ago, has accumulated a great deal of scholarship. Thanks to its eminent founding historians, including Xu Zhongshu, Meng Wentong, Miao Yue, Reng Naiqiang, Meng Siming, Hu Jianmin, Wu Tianci, and the efforts of later generations, this program has formed its own characteristics and advantages. As for dynastic history, we mainly focus on pre-Qin (including paleography), Northern and Southern Dynasties, Song, and Ming-Qing periods.The field of pre-Qin ancient History, rooted in Xu Zhongshu’s methodology of three-dimensional demonstration, enjoyed its distinguished reputation since its origin, especially in the sub-fields of history of early ancient China, and paleography. By virtue of Prof. Miao Yue’s decades of scholarship, our program for Northern and Southern Dynasties is also well-established. The program of history of Song Dynasty, based on Prof. Meng Wentong’s contribution, has a significant nationwide influence, particularly in cultural history and ethnic history. Ming-Qing program, well-known in field of economic history, social history and academic history, stands as an important nationwide research center. The Modern China Program, later than others though was it established, has developed notably well. Old generation scholars, such as Wang Jieping, Wei Yingtao, Li Runcang as the like, laid a solid disciplinary foundation. From the 1990s onward, we have made outstanding academic achievements in myriad fields of research, including academic history, intellectual history, cultural history, history of political institutions, history of Christianity, regional history, social history, urban history and so on. Among them, Republican China History is a nationwide leading field. Recent outstanding contributions cover fields of tenant history, gender studies, higher education history, linguistic social history, etc.

    In field of special history, we mainly focus on philology, ethnic history and anthropology, regional history of ancient Sichuan and Chongqing, historical geography, historiography. One of our academic traditions is to stress textual studies on historical documents. We have made well-regarded contributions to textual research on oracle inscriptions, Sanguo Zhi (History of the Three Kingdoms), Chronicles of Huayang, Ba Xian Archives, and many local gazetteers. For Ethnic history and anthropology, we specialize in two areas of research. South-west Chinese ethnic history is a well-established icon. Tibetan studies is a late-developed but influential field, which laid solid ground on our National Institute for Tibetan Studies. Regional studies on ancient Sichuan and Chongqing is our traditional research project, and most of our scholars are engaged in this field. The fields of historical geography and historiography are also our important areas of research with clusters of important studies

Our Chinese History Program welcomes master and doctoral students majoring in ancient Chinese history, modern Chinese History, contemporary Chinese history, philology, special studies on cultural history, urban history and ethnic history, historical geography, historiography, Confucianism and Tibetan History, Economics and Social Development. Our research group is consisted of 20 Ph.D. advisors and 17 M.A. advisors, who have supported a complete educational system for training undergraduate, master and doctoral students in Chinese history.

Belongs to the History disciplines level, Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development is the cross subject which based on the history, management, economics, geography, anthropology and other disciplines.This subject mainly researches cultural heritage protection, exploitation and management under the background of tourism.The world heritage tourism attractions and services, the world heritage tourism planning, heritage protection, the development of world heritage tourism, tourist management, heritage tourism interpretation, human resources management system of heritage tourism and so on.In the mid -1980s , Tourism School of Sichuan University set up the discipline tourism culture and management on the basis of history, and set up the doctoral degree of cultural heritage and tourism development in history discipline’s doctoral program, made the leading work in the tourism development research and practice of cultural heritage resources , and formed the distinctive characteristics and discipline advantage.