Brief Introduction of SCU SchoolCollege of History and Cultures(Tourism)

更新日期:2017-11-25      来源:历史文化学院

Sichuan University’sSchool of History and Cultures (Tourism) is developed from SCU’s oldest department - Department of History. The School  has 7 departments (teaching & research offices): Department of Archeology, Ancient Chinese History Teaching & Research Office, Modern Chinese History Teaching & Research Office, World History Teaching & Research Office, Department of Tourism and Landscape Science, Department of Exhibition and Leisure Studies, International Tourism and Hotel Management (taught purely in English). It extablished the Center for Tibetan Studies, a key research base in humanities and social sciences under the Ministry of Education, as well as other research institutes like the Institute of Ancient Books, Urban Research Institute, Southwest Historical Literature Research Center, Tourism Planning and Development Institute, Tourism and Leisure Research Center, Institute of Anthropology , Institute of History and Geography, Museum Exhibition Design Institute, Regional History and National Culture popularization Base, among others. It has founded and is operating a number of academic journals,such as Frontiers of History in China,International Journal of Tourism Anthropology, Journal of TibetologySouthern Ethnology and Archaeology, and Song Culture Studies.

The School has a wide range of subjects and majors. It has been included in the first batch of units authorized to grant doctor’s and master’s degrees, and designated as "National Base for Talent Training and Scientific Research in Humanities and Social Sciences" and a unit authorized to grant doctor’s degree in first-level disciplines bythe Ministry of Education. It has 5 majors for bachelor degree in History, Archeology, Cultural Relics & Museology, Tourism Management, Convention & Exposition Economy and Management; 7 majors for academic master’s degree in Ethnology, Archeology, Chinese History, World History, Tourism Management, Convention & Exposition and Festival Management, as well as Hotel Management; 2 majors for professional master’s degree in Cultural Relics & Museology, and Tourism Management; 6 majors for doctor’s degree in Archeology, Chinese History, World History, Tourism Management, Tibetan History, Economic and Social Development, Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development; as well as 3 post-doctoral mobile stations for research of Chinese History, World History, and Archeology.

The School has a strong faculty composed of 35 professors (researchers), 35 assistant professors (associate researchers) and others, among which 23 are doctoral supervisors and 34 master's supervisors. It has 1Outstanding Professor, 3 Changjiang Scholars, 1 member of State Council’sDiscipline Review Group and convener of archeology discipline, 3 members of the Teaching Steering Committee under the Ministry of Education, 3 judges of National Social Science Fund, 5 high end foreign professors, plus 10 academic and technical leaders in Sichuan Province. During the educational practice spanning over one hundred years, the College has formed a solid, steady, rigorous and innovative academic tradition with numerous talents nurtured and countless fruits produced. Since its establishment, the College has trained over 2,000 doctoral students and 3000 master students for the country. Over the past five years, it has undertaken 100 odd national and ministerial/provincial research projects, published over 1,000 high-quality academic papers and 100 plus monographs.



  1. List of Undergraduate Majors

Designation of Major

Basic Length of Schooling

Total Credit Hours of Compulsory Courses

Total Credits



Four years



Bachelor in History


Four years



Bachelor in History

Cultural Relics & Museology

Four years



Bachelor in History

Tourism Management

Four years



Bachelor in Management

Convention & Exposition Economy and Management

Four years



Bachelor in Management

III. Teaching Resources and Facilities

School enjoys rich resources and well-equipped facilities. Covering a teaching and office area of over 5,000 square meters, it is furnished with anational-level experimental teaching demonstration center - Sichuan University Archeology Experimental Teaching Center, a university-level laboratory - Tourism Laboratory, a college-level Dictation History Practice & Teaching Center, and a large library & reference room.

Sichuan University Archeology Experimental Teaching Center, covering an area of around 1,800 square meters, is equipped with 10 laboratories, covering archeology, digital archeology, stoneware analysis, environmental archeology, paleoethnobotany, bioarcheology, archaeometallurgy, cultural relics analysis, cultural relics protection and museums. With 3-d laser scanner, EA3000 elemental analyzer, human skeletal 3-d digitizer, microscopic Fourier infrared spectrometer, polarizing microscope, metallurgical microscope and other equipment, which are worth CNY 20 million in total, the Center serves as a teaching and research platform with important influence and radiation effect at home and abroad. The Center, in cooperation with relevant research institutes, has built over 10 off-campus practice bases for archeology and museology in Sichuan, Yunnan, Chongqing, Hunan and Guangxi.

The College’s Tourism Laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including a national-level innovation & entrepreneurship platform called "Smart Tourism", and a number of platforms for teaching and practical skill training of postgraduates, like a tourism information engineering laboratory, a tourist behavioristics laboratory, a tea culture laboratory, a red wine laboratory, a digitalized landscape design and simulation laboratory, a tourism-wise body and dance laboratory. Such facilities provide strong support for the training of application-oriented and research-oriented talents in the major of tourism.

The College’s Library & Reference Room, with an area of more than 300 square meters, and a collection of the existing Chinese and foreign collections of over 100,000 books and a variety of journals, provides favorable conditions forstudents’ learning and research.