
发布日期:2016-03-28      作者:      来源:历史文化学院

 1Afterlives of the Dead: Uncovering Graves and Mishandling Corpses in Nineteenth-Century China

2Managing Public Finance through Palace Memorials: The Controversy over Taxation Transfer, 1860–1900

3Sanctioned Heterodoxy: Local Cults in Two Chinese Catholic Villages, 1900—Present

4Tradition, Revolution and Gender: An Analysis of Wife-Initiated Divorce in North China’s Revolutionary Bases from 1941–1949

5The Hidden Helping Hand: The U.S. Government’s Assistance to Chinese Returnees, 1949–1955

6Bursting with Mountain Songs: Gender Resistance and Class Struggle in Liu Sanjie

7Andrews, Bridie and Mary Brown Bullock, Medical Transitions in Twentieth- Century China

8Brashier, K. E., Public Memory in Early China

9Lei, Sean Hsiang-Lin, Neither Donkey nor Horse: Medicine in the Struggle over China’s Modernity

10Ng, Michael H.K., Legal Transplantation in Early Twentieth-Century China: Practicing Law in Republican Beijing (1910s–1930s)

11Wang, Haicheng, Writing and the Ancient State: Early China in Comparative Perspective